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35 Signs Of Unconditional Love

Everyone is looking for the kind of love that is unconditional, however, it can often be hard to tell whether you have found a person that loves you unconditionally. When it comes to unconditional love, all the matters is that you love one another and nothing else in the world could ever come between you. You love each other despite your flaws. 

Unconditional love is a completely pure form of love that is not dependent on anything except how you feel for one another. All you care about is loving your partner and making them happy, and they feel the same way about you too. Nothing present in the world outside of your relationship could ever affect how you feel about them. 

Your partner is your priority and you are theirs. While this does not mean that you spend all of your time together, or your friends and family, and your job are not important, it does mean that you would do anything for your partner. When it comes to unconditional love, you find a balance with one another and you truly improve the lives of each other. 

Keep reading to find out the signs of unconditional love. 

Signs Of Unconditional Love

In romance, it is necessary to be able to identify the differences between love and infatuation. Infatuation is often not healthy and is usually one-sided. Love is more balanced and reflects a two-way feeling. However, unconditional love is on another level. Unconditional and conditional love are two entirely different things. 

If you love your partner conditionally, it means that certain outside factors may affect how you feel about them and could potentially change your relationship. This may mean that if your partner becomes extremely busy with work or another aspect of their life and can no longer spend as much time with you, you fall out of love with them. 

However, when it comes to unconditional love, nothing else matters. No matter what either of you is going through in your lives, you know that you will always have each other. There are no outside conditions or factors that could affect how you feel for one another. Even if there is turbulence outside of your relationship, you will always find balance and harmony in one another. 

1. You do not expect anything in return 

Unconditional and conditional love are two different things entirely. When it comes to conditional love, you may love your spouse because of what they do for you or how they make you feel. However, unconditional love knows no bounds and you don’t expect anything from your partner in return for your love. 

While this does not mean that your partner does not love you back, you are simply content in one another’s company and you don’t expect anything more than their simple presence in your life. Your love is not dependent on outside conditions and you love each other no matter what. 

2. Your love is not affected by outside restrictions

Your love is not affected by outside restrictions

If your love for your partner is not affected by outside conditions or reasons, it is likely unconditional. If your relationship does not depend on outside forces and you love each other no matter what, your love is unconditional. With this form of unconditional love, you can be completely honest with one another and you do not have to pretend you are someone you are not. 

Your love is not affected by societal pressures or opinions, and you are truly content in each other’s presence. 

3. You accept each other 

One of the greatest things in life is unconditional love, but how do you know whether your partner loves you unconditionally, and how do you tell whether the love that you feel for your partner is unconditional love. Falling in love with someone is a beautiful experience, but the feeling of unconditional love is even more special. 

When you love someone, you accept one another’s flaws and the negative aspects of each other’s personalities. If you love your spouse unconditionally, you would never want to change anything about them. 

4. You don’t want to change them

Loving someone unconditionally is freeing as it means that you do not want to try to change anything about them or control them. You don’t want to manipulate this person into being your ideal partner, because, in your eyes, they are the ideal partner as they are. Even your partner’s flaws are perfect to you and you would never want to change them. 

Loving someone in this way gives you room to focus on yourself. You do not have to worry about your partner as you have accepted them just the way they are. 

5. You want to grow old together

If you talk about the future with your partner, this is a sign of unconditional love. If you can see yourselves spending the rest of your lives together, you likely love them unconditionally. Consider whether you can imagine spending your future with this person. Can you imagine having kids with them? Can you picture getting married?

If you cannot imagine a future with your current partner, you may not be experiencing unconditional love. If your love is unconditional, you won’t be able to imagine your future with anyone else but them. 

6. It feels right

If your relationships just feel right in your heart, it is likely because you are experiencing unconditional love. When you first saw your partner did you know that they were someone special? Are you still excited every time they walk through the door? Do you just know that your relationship is going to last a lifetime? If so, it is probably unconditional love. 

If your relationship just feels as if it meant to be, it probably is. If you can see yourself with this person forever, it is true love. 

7. You tell them everything 

If you feel comfortable enough with this person to share even your deepest secrets, then it is likely true love. You cannot develop this kind of bond with just anyone. So, if you can trust them enough to reveal the innermost part of yourself, you have found something special. If you tell this person all of your secrets without feeling anxious or embarrassed they are likely the one. 

If this person accepts you no matter what you tell them about your past, then you are the perfect fit for one another and they love you unconditionally. 

8. They tell you that they’re proud of you

If your partner takes the time to let you know that they are proud of you, it is a sign of something special. No matter what you achieve in life, even if it is something small, your partner is always there to congratulate you and tell you that he/she is proud of you. They are always there for you and they are your biggest cheerleader. 

Unconditional love means feeling proud of one another. If your partner loves you unconditionally, they will show it when it really matters. If you get a promotion or you graduate from university, and your partner sheds a tear, it is a sign of unconditional love. 

9. They make you feel special 

If your partner makes you feel special by little acts of kindness or sweet words, it is a sign that they love you unconditionally. Your partner recognizes everything that you do and appreciates you. This makes you feel happier in your relationship together. You make one another feel special and like the only people in the world. 

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Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

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You are able to build your relationship on this strength so that it is always improving. You never fail to make occasions special, no matter how small. 

10. You resolve your issues together

You resolve your issues together

Every couple argues and disagrees every now and again. This is not something that can be avoided. However, the way that you deal with arguments and disagreements is what matters in a special relationship. If you are able to resolve the situation calmly without letting it develop into resentment, it is a sign that you love each other unconditionally. 

You are both always ready to discuss and to look from the other person’s point of view in order to resolve your disagreements. You are always able to compromise and you never have to worry about a disagreement causing a major issue in your relationship. 

11. They are always kind

Even if you have been with your partner for a long time, they are still kind and do everything that they can to make you happy every day. If they bring you a blanket when you fall asleep on the couch or offer to make dinner when you come home from work late, it is a sign that the love they feel for you runs deep and is unconditional. 

Consider whether much has changed since the start of your relationship. If you are still as happy with your partner as you were when you were still in the honeymoon stage, it is an indicator that your love is truly unconditional and it will last a lifetime. 

12. You protect each other 

This does not mean that your partner is jealous of you, or you are jealous of them when they spend time with their friends. However, it does mean that you would do anything to make sure that each other is safe. They will pick you up if you are out late or they will send you a taxi if they can’t. 

13. They put your needs first

One of the most common signs of unconditional love is that your partner puts your needs above their own. Whether it be when it comes to choosing dinner, he lets you pick, or he gives up his time to spend it with you when you really need him too. 

If you are fighting over a bar of chocolate, and he eventually gives in and lets you have it just to make you happy, this is a sign of unconditional love. If you find yourself doing the same thing for them too, it is a sign that you love one another unconditionally. 

14. They do nice things without expecting anything in return

This is one of the major signs of unconditional love. If your partner does nice things for you without expecting anything from you in return, it is a sure sign that loves you unconditionally. He buys you flowers or treats you to your favorite dinner in your favorite restaurant, but he is simply doing it out of the kindness of his heart, rather than looking for something from you too. 

If you have found someone who is kind to you and does nice things for you without ever expecting anything from you in return, you have found someone who loves you unconditionally. This does not mean that you shouldn’t reward him in return, however, it simply means that he doesn’t expect or need anything in return. 

15. They are selfless

When it comes to your relationship, neither of you is selfless. You do things for one another rather than just for yourself. If your partner does everything that he can to make you happy, instead of always thinking of himself, it is a sure sign that he loves you unconditionally. If he has little money, but he always buys you little gifts it is a sign that he loves you in this way. 

If your partner constantly makes sacrifices to make you happy, this is one of the signs of unconditional love. If you act in the same way too and give up things just to make your partner happy, your love is mutual. 

16. They forgive your mistakes

If your partner cannot forgive you for your mistakes, it is a sign that he does not love you unconditionally. To love someone unconditionally is to accept their flaws and forgive their mistakes. While he may be upset at first, he always comes round because of how much he loves you. 

This should not mean that you are okay with making mistakes or that you can upset your partner just because he will forgive you. 

17. You have been together for a long time

If you have been with your partner for a long time and you are still as happy as when you first started dating, it is a sign that you love one another unconditionally. If you still have fun together and it continues to feel like you are still in the honeymoon stage, it is likely that you love each other unconditionally and you will be together forever. 

Unconditional love will often last a lifetime, so if you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with your partner when you have already been together for years, this is one of the signs of unconditional love. 

18. You say sorry

If you have failed or committed a mistake in your relationship, you are not afraid to tell your partner so. Neither of you has a problem with saying sorry or admitting that you were wrong because you love each other enough to want to resolve the situation rather than win. Your partner doesn’t try to guilt-trip you if you have done wrong either. 

Your relationship is beautifully balanced and you find a way to compromise and resolve any issues or arguments without too much effort. 

19. You are vulnerable

You are vulnerable

If you love someone unconditionally, you will find it easy to be vulnerable with them. Do you tell your partner everything that is in your heart? Or do you keep feelings hidden from him because you don’t know how he will react or respond? If your partner encourages you to speak deeply with him, it is a sign that he loves you unconditionally. 

20. You forgive each other easily 

If you argue with your partner but you are able to forgive one another easily, this is one of the signs of unconditional love. Neither of you holds grudges, no matter what happened. Even if you upset your partner or made him angry, he never holds it against you for too long and you are soon on the best of terms again. 

If you forgive one another easily, arguments are not a big deal and you can always find a way to resolve them before it turns into resentment. 

21. You let things go

If you love someone unconditionally you will be okay with letting little things go rather than picking fights about things that do not matter. Neither you nor your partner is petty about anything when it comes to your relationship. You don’t hold grudges either, because you know that your relationship is more important than silly fights. 

Even if you are arguing, you continue to respect one another, you let things go, and you find a solution to the problem together. 

22. You tell the truth

If you are happy to tell your partner the truth, even if it is uncomfortable, this is a sign of unconditional love. You never lie to your partner. If he asks whether you like his outfit, you would never lie and tell him that you do if, in fact, you don’t. You are completely honest with one another about every aspect of your relationship. 

You don’t hide anything from your partner, and he doesn’t hide anything from you. You are comfortable enough in each other’s company to be complete and honest with one another all of the time. 

23. You don’t have anything to prove

You don’t have anything to prove to your partner and you comfortable in knowing that he loves you for who you are. When you have been together with someone for a long time and you feel unconditional love for one another, you can relax in being completely yourself. You have nothing to prove and you don’t feel the need to impress your partner. 

24. You can be yourself

If you are wondering “what is unconditional love?” consider whether you are completely yourself around your partner. If you love them unconditionally and you know that he/she loves you unconditionally too, you do not have to pretend to be someone you are not when you are together. You do not have to hide any side of your personality around them. 

25. You understand them

If you are able to understand your partner in a way that no one else can, it is a sign that you love one another unconditionally. If you know what your partner is thinking before you even ask them, it is a sign of unconditional love. Consider whether your partner knows exactly when to comfort you, without you having to tell him/her that you are feeling sad. 

This intimate level of understanding is a sign that he/she loves you unconditionally. 

26. You don’t get embarrassed

If you never get embarrassed in front of your partner, this is one of the signs of unconditional love. No matter what the situation is, you don’t hide anything from your partner because you never feel embarrassed when you are with them. You can be totally yourself and you are not too embarrassed to let your partner see every side of you. 

27. You are inspired to be the best version of yourself

If your partner inspires you to be the best version of yourself whenever you are together, this is a sure sign of unconditional love. If you are happier than you have ever been before because your partner pushes you to new heights and encourages your achievements as no one else has ever done before, this is a sign that your partner loves you unconditionally and doesn’t expect anything in return. 

28. You are a team

Even when you go through rough times, you always work through everything together as a team. No matter how hard life gets, you always know that your partner will be by your side. This is a sign that you love one another unconditionally and that your love will last forever. You are together in your successes as well as the darkest moments. 

29. You an empathetic

If your partner is sad, you are sad and if he/she is happy, you feel happy. You feel your partner’s emotions deeply and are extremely empathetic toward them. You can understand why he/she is feeling a certain way without even having to ask them to explain it to you. If you experience this level of empathetic understanding, it is a sign of unconditional love. 

30. You trust one another

Even if you go through tough spots in your relationship, you know that your partner will always be there for you and you can completely trust him/her no matter the situation you are in. Even if you are having a bad day and you do not feel positive, you know that your partner loves you and you never question it. This is a sign of unconditional love. 

31. You feel safe

When you are with your husband/wife, you feel a sense of belonging and well-being. You know that you are meant for one another and you feel safe in their company. You know that they are there to support you no matter what you are going through. The level of acceptance and safety that you feel in unconditional love is beautiful. 

32. You are independent

Even though you love one another unconditionally, you are not dependent on the support of your husband or wife. A woman or man in an unconditionally loving relationship does not feel dependent on their partner. Rather they live their own lives while sharing aspects with one another. You should be able to spend time apart from each other. 

33. You show them how you feel 

Relationships can get boring and stagnant and you may forget to tell your partner how you feel about them. However, if you feel unconditional love for your partner, you will tell him/her how you feel through words or actions every day. Even on a bad day, you may buy the woman or man in your life a bunch of flowers or a coffee, just to let them know you love them. 

34. You are relaxed

You feel relaxed and a deep sense of well-being knowing that you are in a relationship that is not based on a condition or restrictions. You love each other unconditionally and you feel content that there are no strings attached. This removes the feeling of concern that you need to fulfill a requirement in order for your husband or man to love you. 

35. You are patient

You have realized that in relationships, things get difficult and it is not always easy. This level of acceptance that things may go wrong in relationships brings a sense of harmony and balance. If your expectations are too high, they are never going to be met. The man or woman that you are with will never meet your expectations. 

However, if you love your spouse unconditionally, you are patient with them and you are compassionate enough to know that they will go through hard times and you will go through hard times together. You feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you can get through the tough parts of your relationship as lovers and as friends. 


How do you know if it's unconditional love?

When it comes to unconditional love, you likely know without even having to question it. If you know that your partner will be there for you no matter what happens it is unconditional love. If no outside factors or conditions will affect the way you feel about one another, your love is unconditional. Your relationship is on another level entirely and is something to be treasured.

Can unconditional love end?

Unconditional love may end, however, it is uncommon. Typically if you love someone unconditionally you will be happy together forever. However, no relationship is completely secure and you may drift apart. If you love each other unconditionally, you want each other to be happy, even if this means that you cannot be together. 

How can you tell if you are truly in love?

To tell whether you are truly in love you need to consider whether you would do anything possible to stay with your partner. Consider whether you love your partner despite their flaws. If there are certain conditions that affect your love for your partner, your love may be conditional rather than unconditional and it cannot be considered true love. 

How do you express unconditional love in words?

There may be no way to express your unconditional love in words. However, it is important to try to express to your partner how you feel. No matter how long you have been together, it is important to remind one another of your feelings. While what you say may not be perfect, a healthy relationship requires you to tell your partner how much you love them. 

What is the purest form of love?

The purest form of love is unconditional love. This kind of love means that you love your partner no matter what and you do not expect anything in return. You do not love your partner because of what they do for you but just because of how you feel when you are with them. If you feel truly content with your partner, this is a sign of unconditional love. 

To Sum Up… 

Unconditional love is the purest and most beautiful form of love. While it may be difficult to find, it is truly rewarding when you do so. Unconditional love means that you love your partner no matter what the outside conditions entail. You do not expect anything from your partner but you feel content in their presence. You are one another’s priorities. 

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