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What To Talk About On A Second Date (43 Interesting Things)

January 29, 2025

Got a second date coming up? Wondering what to talk about? 

Do you feel like you used up all your best material on the first date?

This guide should be able to help you out. It lists some great topics for what to talk about on a second date.

But let me cut to the chase. 

There are deeper, more consistent ways to ensure your second date goes to plan. 

If you’d like to get to the bottom of how to make a man fall hopelessly in love with you, I’d like to help you.

There is a part of the male brain most responsible for his feelings of deep romantic longing, which is most commonly referred to as his ‘Hero’s Instinct’.

It’s a primal part of the brain that makes him want to take care of the women in his life. If you can learn to activate this part of his brain in your conversations, it’s possible to quickly generate strong amorous feelings within him. 

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I would love for you to enjoy amazing romantic connections with the same consistency that I have been ever since learning this skill. That’s why I want to politely urge you to read my guide on this topic now.

My list of second date topics will always be here. Scroll down to read it now.

43 Things to Talk About On A Second Date

1. Ask about their favorite subjects

You can bring up a conversation about your escort’s favorite things to alleviate the anxiety of bonding on a second date. Ask your date what their favorite color is, or their best place to go in the world. You can also bring up various other subjects like their favorite tv shows, favorite food, and other intriguing topics you want to find out.

It’s important to keep the discussion fun and playful to ensure the mood of the occasion is palatable. Avoid asking severe questions like their opinions on religion, politics, or even sex. Except the discussion leans in that direction, it would be best not to bring them up because they would be too heavy for a second date.   

2. Talk about sports

If you’re looking for date ideas on what to talk about on a date, you should consider bringing up sports. Ask them about their favorite teams or which sports seasons they enjoyed the most. It’s vital to keep the interaction cheerful to avoid encountering heavy disagreements along the way. 

It would be best not to argue about the best teams or players. If you’re not conversant with the world of sports, you can ask more personal questions like the kind of sport they played during high school or in their childhood days. This topic will help you know your date even more while stirring up an avenue for intimate discussions. 

3. Bring up learning new things

If you don’t want to ask probing questions about your date’s past, you can ask about their goals for the future. For example, ask them about the things they’d love to learn, and why they’d want to learn them. It’s a perfect topic for a second date because it helps you know your escort better.

It’ll allow you to see their plans for the future, and what drives them to become who they want to be. This process will either intrigue or discourage you from going on further meetups with them. It’ll also reveal how you feel about them merely by hearing their visions. 

4. Bring up childhood holidays

bring up childhood holidays

An exciting way to spice up a second date is by talking about childhood memories. Particularly, ask your date what they enjoyed doing during the holidays, or liked about them. The nostalgia involved would keep things bright and pleasant while both of you create a bond with your interactions. 

It’s necessary not to ask profound questions because your companion might not be comfortable revealing private subjects. Keep the discussion light without striving to know everything at a go. Acknowledge that there’ll be other dates to know these things. More so, if you sense that the discussion is stirring up negative emotions, we advise that you change the subject.

5. Ask about animals

If you’re an animal lover, it would be pleasant to find out if your date is one as well. Therefore, you should bring up this topic if you're wondering what to talk about on a second date. The plus side is that it will help you bond well with your escort. Ask about their experiences with animals, and perhaps, their favorite ones. Ask them if they have any pets, or hope to attain them in the future. 

You can also share your opinions or answers to these questions. However, try not to argue if their point of view does not agree with yours. If you’re not into animals, you can opt for a simpler question like the type of animal they would prefer to be, and the reasons for their answer. 

6. Ask about clothing

If you’re a fashion lover, you can bond over clothing on your second date. Ask your date any probing question about their dressing. For example, the type of clothes they like to wear or where they shop for their clothes. Be sure to start your inquiries with compliments on their looks or mention your love for fashion.

You can also inquire about their favorite designer or brand, or celebrities who fashion sense you adore. It would help if you kept the discussion entertaining and refrain from personal or condescending questions about their fashion sense. Your major focus should be to bond with your escort and not prove any point. 

7. Bring up tv shows

A second date is supposed to have a refreshing mood with less pressure than the first. Therefore, an intuitive way to keep things entertaining is to discuss television shows. Before you proceed with this subject, be aware that your date’s point of view won’t necessarily mirror yours. However, diversity is the beauty of dating.

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Ask your companion about their favorite tv shows or the ones they’re currently streaming. There’s a good chance that you might have similar preferences. If not, it gives both of you more to talk about on future dates. You can also select movies or series the both of you can watch in expectation of your next meetup. 

8. Discuss food

Talking about food on a second date is quite intuitive because it’s a common subject. A good percentage of people pay attention to their meals, which means they’ll probably have a lot to discuss on a date. You can ask basic questions like your companion’s favorite foods, or make your inquiry more profound by asking what type of cake they prefer to eat on their birthday. 

Other intuitive questions include asking if they prefer cooking to ordering takeouts, knowing their favorite restaurants, or what their family prefers to eat during thanksgiving. These inquiries will give you a broader knowledge of your escort, helping you bond with them better.  

9. Bring up vacations

Some date ideas on what to discuss can include talking about vacations. This subject is versatile, meaning you can drive the discussion in many directions. For example, you can ask about your date’s most memorable vacation ever. This topic will help you get to know them more intimately and also allow you to share your experiences. 

You can also ask your escort to share details of their dream vacation. The places they’ll love to go and the adventures they wish to encounter all serve as exciting conversations on a second date. If things go well, both of you might have similar desires, and the dating process will be all the more exciting. 

10. Discuss family

The subject of a person's family might be too private for a second date, which is why you should engage this step with caution. Try not to ask personal questions and keep the discussion as fun and playful as possible. You can ask your date who they’re closest to in their family or the number of siblings they have. 

You can also inquire about how close their family is, or what they prefer to do during the holidays. Finding out about childhood memories is key to the dating process but also try to share as much as you ask. There should be a balance at every point of the meeting to keep your companion entertained.

11. Bring up holidays

Talking about holidays can serve as a means of getting to know your date. For example, you can ask them how they spend specific holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, or even Thanksgiving. Such conversations are lively and can make subsequent dates even more interesting. More so, you’ll know if your holiday schedules and plans fit one another.

Find out your escort’s most epic Halloween costume or their favorite meal at Christmas. You can also find out their most memorable encounters during any of these holidays to keep the interaction exciting. You can think of more personalized questions to impress your crush and make the moment more memorable. 

12. Ask about their cooking skills

ask about their cooking skills

Cooking is an incredible subject for dates to bond during their second date. Ask them questions like if they love to cook or do it out of necessity. More so, what their favorite food to cook is. You can also include other ideas like the last meal they'd cook if it was their only option or the fastest thing they can whip up when they’re extremely hungry.

If you and your date aren’t cooking experts, you can switch the topic to ordering takeout. For example, their favorite food to order, and from which restaurants. Or perhaps, the fastest meal they order when they’re hungry. These inquiries are bright and entertaining and would surely earn you some points for successive meetups.

13. Ask them about their busy weekends

It’s critical to be aware of your date’s fun side, but you should also try to find out how they cope with stress. For example, how their busy schedules look and how they conveniently deal with them. This process will prepare you for when the both of you start dating. You’ll know how they handle strenuous moments and might help them overcome them better.

Ask about their go-to activities when they feel overwhelmed and what they like to do in those moments. Do they need space or need more company? These questions are intriguing for a second date and let your escort acknowledge that you’re interested in getting to know them.

14. Bring up traveling

If your companion hasn’t been to many places, they’ve certainly envisioned traveling someday. You can capture their heart by finding out their interests on this subject. Ask them about the places they’ve always dreamt of going to, or their best memories in certain locations. You can also include places they’d love to visit again or places they wouldn’t dare to travel to.

Keep the interaction playful to avoid stepping on their toes. Acknowledge that your views won’t necessarily mirror your escort, but you can build common ground by appreciating their choices and vision. On the bright side, you and your companion might have a lot in common, guaranteeing you more than a second date. 

15. Ask intuitive riddles

There are entertaining ways to get to know your date without being too formal. An intuitive way to make this happen is by incorporating riddles. You can ask simple questions like what they’d prefer to eat or drink if they had only one food option for the rest of their lives. You can also get creative by asking what they’d carry to an isolated island if they had to stay there for a long time. 

This process is a lively way to know more about your date and understand their preferences. You shouldn’t be afraid to share yours to ensure both of you bond well together. It will add an exciting theme to the second date and pave way for more meetups in the future. If things go well, they’ll be thrilled about the dating process. 

16. Ask about swimming

Swimming is a common sport, which means your date is likely to have an idea about it, either professionally or recreationally. You can bring up this sport to lighten the mood of the second date and know more about them. Ask them if they love to swim and where exactly they love doing it. It could be in a regular swimming pool or even in the ocean.

You can also diversify and ask them if they engage in other water sports. This will keep the mood of the date chatty and help both of you build a relationship with one another. If your escort doesn’t swim, you can ask about any other sport they’d love to engage in or would have loved to start earlier on. 

17. Bring up collections

Most people collect items for different reasons. It could be for knowledge, to beautify their environment, or for stress reduction. From antique furniture to comic books, people collect loads of items to satisfy their desire. This subject is pretty common, so there’s a likelihood your date might be a collector. 

You can ask them if they collect anything, and what exactly they store. If the conversation gets deep, you can ask them their reasons for keeping those collectibles. This discussion will give you a broader knowledge of the things your escort cherishes. It’s a great subject to interact on a second date and might leave room for more discussions of other dates. 

18. Bring up books

Stories are interesting subjects to bond over on dates. Therefore, asking your date if they read books and what type of books they read is an intuitive decision. Start the second date discussion by asking about the last book they read, or the one presently on their nightstand. Their response will determine the next question, depending on whether they’re into books or not. 

If they mention a book, you can make further inquiries like asking them who their favorite author is or generally if they’re enjoying the book they’re currently reading. If they don’t particularly read books, you can recommend some books you feel they’d enjoy or change the subject. This process will build the relationship between both of you

19. Bring up great movies

Talking about movies is undeniably a fun subject for a second date. You can keep the discussion polished by sticking to the last great movies both of you watched. You don’t necessarily want to make the entire date about tv shows and series. Therefore, limit your conversation to ensure the date is centered on both of you.

From discussing the last movies you watched, you can diversify into your passions by expressing why you loved those movies. These experiences will aid the dating process and ensure both of you get to know each other intimately. More so, you do it while talking about what you love. 

20. Converse about movie stars

converse about movie stars

Another alternative to talking about great movies is discussing movie stars or roles. You can ask your date the movie characters or stars they resonate well with. This question will give you insight into their personality and might aid you in the next meeting. If you’re not familiar with the stars or roles they mention, you can earn bonus points by doing some research. 

More so, if you’re not sure why they love the movie characters, you can make further inquiries. The more you show interest in your escort's passions, the better the second date will go. However, ensure you’re also giving input on these topics.

21. Talk about their birthday

Birthdays are important events to many individuals, which is why it’s a great topic to discuss on a second date. If your date doesn’t regard their birthday, the best way to find out is by bringing up the topic. You can ask them how they spend their birthdays or how they plan to celebrate the next one. 

You can also inquire about their most epic birthday celebration if they’ve ever had one. If not, ask them if they plan on organizing any. These questions will help you understand your escort better, and know their preferences. 

22. Ask about their happy place

 Everyone has a place that makes them happy, or at least one good memory that provides solace when they’re feeling down. Therefore, asking your date questions on this subject is a good place to start on a second date. It allows them to share their special moments with you, and possibly open up about their bad ones. 

It also gives you insight into what dating them will be like. You’ll understand how to cope with their bad days, and how to make them feel even better. Knowing what genuinely makes your escort happy is an insightful way to bond with them without being too forward at the meeting. 

23. Talk about beverages

Beverages are another common subject with most people and a great conversation starter for a second date. Depending on the location of the date, you can start things by asking your escort if they like coffee or tea. More so, asking how exactly they like to drink it. This information will make planning subsequent dates much more convenient.

You can also inquire what time of the day they enjoy taking their beverages. More so, which restaurants they enjoy having and why. If you have an idea of their perfect beverage combination, it will be useful especially if you want to surprise them.

24. Ask about their Saturday schedules

Saturdays are usually resting days from a busy schedule during the week. However, many people choose to spend this day differently. Asking your date about this subject can help you score bonus points because it shows concern. More so, it shows interest in getting to spend more time with them. 

Knowing about their weekend schedule can also help both of you plan occasions together. It’s an entertaining subject that’s refreshing to speak about and will enable both of you to bond well with each other.   

25. Talk about skills

You can make your date more fun by finding out what your date is good at. Talking about one’s skills can help that person feel more confident at the moment. More so, it will help them connect better with people. You can also discuss the things both of you are bad at to make the scenario more down-to-earth.

From cooking to house chores, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. This information will be crucial to the dating process and will help both of you complement each other better. Talking about these subjects early on will also help both of you appreciate one another.

26. Talk about childhood memories

Our past experiences are instrumental to who we become as adults. Therefore, recalling certain memories can help you understand a person better. Even so, talking about childhood memories on a date will reignite nostalgic feelings and help two people connect deeply. You can start by recalling a good memory and allowing your date to share theirs as well.

Ensure you allow your companion to share stories they feel comfortable talking about. It would help if you didn’t try to force them to discuss personal matters. As time goes on, they’ll get comfortable revealing several details to you.

27. Ask about their hidden talents

A fantastic way to bond on a second date is to inquire about your date’s hidden talents. Things you weren’t able to find out on the first date can be revealed entertainingly on the second. From drawing to writing, there are loads of secret abilities people have. 

It will be exciting seeing your companion in a different light. More so, it will help both of you connect deeply. Try not to make the discussion competitive. Instead, embrace whatever skills they have to share. This step is critical to the dating process and will help both of you accept each other better.

28. Bring up bucket lists

bring up bucket lists

Asking your date what they’re dying to do can be a great conversation starter for a second date. You should bring up the subject of bucket lists to make the occasion more memorable. If both of you eventually accomplish some of those things, you’ll have nice memories to look back to. It’ll also give both of you more to discuss on the next date. 

Talking about future goals is a great way to see the authenticity of someone’s personality. You can find out the things they’re passionate about, and perhaps, aid them to accomplish it. This process is undoubtedly an exciting way to get to know your companion.

29. Ask about their ambitions as a child

Getting to know your date can be tedious if you don’t have the right questions to ask. If you’re unsure about the inquiries to make in their present state, you can ask about their childhood days. For example, finding out the ambitions they had as a child. 

Questions like, “As a child, what did you want to be as an adult?” can make your companion talk about their childhood experiences leading up to their career choices. It’s an insightful question that will get anyone to share details about their personal lives. Ensure you open up about your experiences too to balance out the discussion.

30. Talk about pets

If you’re an animal lover, you can make your second date fun by talking about pets. Ask your date if they prefer cats or dogs and whether they keep any pets. You can also go further to inquire about the other type of animals they’d love to have as pets. Sharing your interests in animals can help you bond well with your escort if they love animals too. 

If they’re not animal lovers, you can still share information about your pets. Keep the discussion going for a while by inquiring why they don’t keep pets. This process will communicate your love for animals, which is a good thing altogether. 

31. Bring up podcasts

Talking about podcasts is a refreshing conversation for a second date because many people listen to them. Find out if your date listens to any, and what their favorite shows are. More so, you can ask them to recommend some, which will help both of you connect deeply. It will also give you more to discuss on other dates.

Keep the discussion going by finding out why they like certain shows or connect with some podcasters. This information will help you understand their personality as well as their preferences. 

32. Find out if they’re music lovers

A large category of people listens to specific genres of music. Therefore, this subject is a great conversation starter for a date. Ask your companion what type of music they listen to and share your music preferences as well. Understand that both of you don’t need to have similar music tastes before you can bond well on the subject.

Be positive and focus on building a relationship with them. You can even ask your date to recommend some songs in their favorite music genre while you do the same. This will help both of you accept each other better.

33. Ask about their pet peeves

Discussing pet peeves is critical for a second date because it helps both parties understand their likes and dislikes. Ask your date about specific habits they can’t stand while dating someone. You should also share yours while you try to be as lenient as possible. It’s not necessary to mention every negative behavior you dislike. 

However, paying attention to the things your companion mentions will help you understand their preferences. It would also be best to share certain pet peeves that you exhibit and ask your companion to do the same. 

34. Discuss fears and worries

The second date shouldn’t be as intense as the first, meaning you can talk about your fears and worries with your date. For example, ask them to share some of the irrational fears they have, especially the ones they hope to overcome. You can also talk about several superstitions you believe in and how they’ve affected your life. 

It would be best to keep your discussion as positive as possible to avoid making your partner worry. Keep things fresh and entertaining, while aiming to strike a balance with the conversation.

35. Bring up desserts

bring up desserts

If you’re having your date in a restaurant, you can keep the discussion light by talking about desserts. Ask your date what their favorite desserts are, or the ones they simply can’t do without. You can get creative with the interaction by asking the type of snacks they’d pick for the rest of their lives if they only had one option. 

This will keep the mood of the occasion refreshing, while both of you bond over subjects you love. If you happen to order some delicious treats, you can also discuss them to entertain one another. 

36. Talk about bad dates

Talking about previous dates that went badly is a tricky topic on the second date, especially for a second date. Therefore, it’s important to engage this step with caution. Keep the discussion as light as possible without requesting too many details. 

Remember that you’re trying to leave an impression, so talking about negative experiences, or asking your date to share theirs will only change the mood of the occasion. Your primary goal should be to build a relationship with your companion irrespective of past experiences. Ask about their worst outings with people and try not to delve further into the discussion.  

37. Bring up dangerous adventures

You can ask your companion to share some of the dangerous adventures they wish to go on. It’s a great topic for a second date because both of you are familiar with one another. You can also share the experiences you’ve been on and the ones you wish to embark on. This form of interaction will help you grow accustomed to one another. 

Getting to know your date can be much easier if you ask arbitrary questions like this. You don’t have to be too formal or it’ll stir up awkward moments. Keep the discussion as entertaining as possible without putting too much pressure on yourself to give the right answer. 

38. Talk about weird habits

Although your primary aim is to impress your date, you can also be comfortable enough to share some of your weird habits. However, you should keep this information to a minimum. They don’t have to know all the unusual things you do until the relationship grows. Nonetheless, being real around them will reveal your true personality. 

It could be mere acts like wanting extra ketchup on your snacks or sleeping with the lights on. This interaction will help your date embrace your character even better. More so, it will give them insight into what to expect before a serious relationship starts up. 

39. Share life-changing experiences

The best way to establish a real connection with your date is to discuss some of the best and worst experiences you’ve had in your life. Any encounter that makes you who you are is vital to the bonding process on a date. Some examples include sharing how you conquered your fears or perhaps, went on an exciting adventure. 

These little details will enable your companion to see life from your point of view, and perhaps, understand you better. However, we advise you to avoid sharing sensitive information until you’re thoroughly comfortable doing so. 

40. Talk about hopes and dreams

Everyone has expectations for the future, which is why this topic is suitable for a date. You can share your hopes and dreams while listening to your date’s views as well. This subject can set the foundation for a future relationship between the both of you. More so, merely knowing each other’s visions will help you relate with one another better.

You can also inquire about your date’s prospects for dating. This information will be vital for further interactions with them. Knowing what they want from the relationship will help you identify your priorities as well. 

41. Ask what they’d do if the world was ending

Some small talk examples on a date including asking your date the things they’d be doing if the world was ending. This question can brighten up the mood of the occasion, especially if you ask it in a lively tone. More so, it will help you understand where your date’s priority lies. Try your best to keep the discussion chatty and avoid severe responses. 

 The more you keep the interaction bright and exciting, the better the meeting will go. You can pair this discussion with other intuitive questions like asking your companion which meals they’d prefer to eat for the rest of their lives if they had limited options.

42. Ask what they do in their free time

ask what they do in their free time

This question is a great conversation starter for a date because it’s light and refreshing and engages your companion. Knowing what they do during their free time can also help you make plans with them. Ensure you strike a balance in the discussion by sharing your free-time activities as well. 

This process will make the meeting seem less like an interrogation and more like a bonding process. You can also make suggestions on activities the both of you can do together in expectation for future meetups.

43. Ask them if anything has changed

You can show your date you’re paying attention to them by asking if anything has changed since the last meeting. Inquire about important events or exciting happenings, which will give both of you enough to discuss. This form of interaction is vital because it will communicate your concern for your escort. 

It will also show how immersed you are in the meeting, which will earn you some points. Be careful not to drive the conversation without giving room for them to ask questions. Be inquisitive, but also strive to balance the discussion. 


What should happen on a second date?

Second dates are less formal than the first, which means both parties can relate better with each other. The most important thing that should happen on such an occasion is having a conversation that will help them know themselves better. You should be able to ask your date intuitive questions to connect deeply with them. 

Should you kiss on the second date?

A second-date kiss is plausible as long as both parties consent to it. Second dates are more casual than the first, meaning there’s bound to be more open body language. If your date gives hints in their interaction that they’re open to a kiss, you can go for it. 

What does a second date mean to a guy?

Second dates have different meanings to several men. For some, it could be a chance to know their date better without any sense of committing to a relationship. A second date gives him more bonus points to show his character and also get to know him a bit deeper while probing questions. For other men, it can be a chance to hook up. While the last category of guys might have no clue about their expectations. 

What do you text on a second date?

Finding what to talk about on a second date can be tedious, especially when you’re trying to leave an impression. However, you should stick to topics you’re comfortable with. You don't have to go above your scope to impress your date. Instead, focus on establishing a natural bond by having casual discussions.  

How many dates before you sleep together?

Most people wait for an average of ten dates before taking things to the bedroom. Your primary focus should be establishing an emotional connection first before getting physical. This process will preserve the quality of the date or relationship and keep both of you connected for longer. 

In Conclusion

Did you enjoy this article on what to talk about on a second date? Try your best to balance out the communication on your second date. You should share as much as your date should ensure both of you connect properly. Kindly leave a message if you liked this article or share it with others. 

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