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How To Make Him Feel Like A Man (19 Things To Start Doing)

December 24, 2024

Want to know to make your partner feel like a man?

Perhaps you think that’s a dumb sentiment? If he’s a man, surely he already feels like one? 

Well, I’d like to argue that making your boyfriend or husband feel like a man is the most important thing you can do to keep your relationship strong.

Let me tell you a story to show you how I know this…

Back in my teens and early twenties, I had no idea how to persuade a man to be in a relationship with me. The best I could ever get was a few weeks of meaningless hook-ups, before he got bored. 

Honestly, this was very upsetting for me, because I had no idea what I was to scare these men away. I wasn’t a horrible person!

Then, after a lot of research into male psychology, I discovered a concept called ‘The Hero’s Instinct’

This is an aspect of male psychology, which is primarily responsible for the attraction he feels (or doesn’t feel) towards women. 

When a man’s ‘Hero’s Instinct’ is triggered, he begins to feel all sorts of intense and wonderful emotions. Power, purpose, meaning, strength, joy. These are the emotions he wants to feel in a long-term relationship. 

So, I went on a journey learning how to trigger this part of a man’s mind. And it drastically changed the way men responded to me. Instead of seeing me as a meaningless fling, it wouldn’t take long for men to become ADDICTED to me.

This powerful psychological concept wasn’t too difficult to learn, yet it seems that barely anyone knows about it. You can learn about my experience learning how to master ‘The Hero’s Instinct’ by reading my personal essay.

Gender Roles In A Relationship

While most modern relationships do not conform to traditional gender roles, there are still unspoken things that seem to set the stage. A woman might not be seen doing the traditional feminine role, such as cooking dinner every night. Yet, her husband will still do things to make her feel like a woman.

Likewise, a woman may need to do a few things to remind him how masculine he really is. This can help balance the relationship.

How Do I Make My Man Feel Like A Man?

When men feel like they are manly in a relationship, they feel as though they have accomplished something. Men are built to provide (work) and protect them. When they do not, it results in the slow deterioration of their ego, their self-confidence, and their happiness. 

Thankfully, if you’re wondering how to make your boyfriend happy, you won’t have to do a whole lot. These 19 tips will instantly make a man feel manly once again.

1. Ask Him To Do Manly Things

Even if the jar of pickles is loose enough for you to open it, ask your guy to open it. Doing those little things that require more strength will instantly make a guy weaker in the knees. Besides, every boyfriend wants to feel needed around the house.

2. Thank Him When He Fixes Things

Make sure that you ask him to fix things, and then show your appreciation. It will put him on top of the world when he changes a lightbulb and you respond with “thank you! I would have needed a ladder to reach that!”

3. Tell Him How Safe You Are In His Arms

tell him how safe you are in his arms

Men like to be big, strong protectors. This includes guys that fall into the “nerdy” category. Simply telling him how he makes you safe and secure when he wraps his arms around you will let him know that he is a wonderful protector. 

4. Hype Him Up In The Bedroom

Every man wants to be like the God of Sex. On one hand, don’t fake it. You don’t want him repeating a move that you’re not a fan of. However, when he does something you like, let him know how much you like it! A simple “that was amazing” will remind him that he’s on top of his game. In return, he’ll try to top it next time!

5. Let Him Problem-Solve For You

Guys are hard-wired to help solve problems. This comes from being the provider, protector and so much more for many generations. Now, guys often get the backseat in the relationship when it comes to solving things, leading to them feeling emasculated. 

If you’re independent, take a pause and ask your man for some help. This could be with a parenting situation, financial problem, or something else. Regardless of the problem, men love to help solve things. 

6. Acknowledge How Awesome His Solution Is

Asking him for help isn’t always going to make him ecstatic like he’s on top of the world. Sometimes, men need verbal appreciation. Tell him how helpful it was, or how you would have never thought of that solution instead of a simple thank you. 

7. Do Special Things For Him

do special things for him

Going out of your way can go a long way! Make his favorite dinner. Plan a date night because you love him. Men love to get surprise gifts or a good morning text too! When you do this, it guarantees that he knows he is loved, appreciated, and manly. Some great ideas include:

  • Random back massages
  • Lay his clothes out for him while he’s in the shower
  • Pick him up a thoughtful gift
  • Random hugs, kisses, and other physical affection
  • Tell him how much you love him
  • Text him paragraphs
  • Tell him what you love about him
  • Make your guy feel like he’s the only one in the world

Make sure to cater to your special things to the guy in your life. If he is not affectionate, skip that one. Use what you know about him to show him that you love him, and love being in a relationship with him.

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

8. Call Him Your Man

Women use terms like guy or boyfriend a lot, but it’s not very often we say our “man.” It’s time to change that. Referring to him as the man you love, the man of your dreams, or the man you can’t wait to marry is a great way to instill that king of the castle feeling in him. 

9. Grab His Biceps

If he has muscles, there’s nothing wrong with women getting girly about them. Women of every age can pull this off. If he’s on top, grab his biceps. Men will enjoy the instant manly feeling it brings. 

10. Show Your Feminine Side

When women show how feminine they are, men naturally begin to feel more masculine. Every man wants this, but most women don’t realize that it can be as simple as wearing flattering clothes to show off curves or flowers to show a soft, feminine side. 

Sometimes, to make a man feel masculine, women need to simply be more feminine in the relationship. While it can be impossible to maintain this every day, letting them know that you’re a woman every once in a while will work wonders for how your guy feels. Other ways women can show a feminine side with little effort include: 

  • Completing a beauty routine in front of him
  • Apply lipstick
  • Dress for your body type
  • Perfume
  • Ask for help
  • Let him carry you
  • It’s okay if men open doors for you
  • Listen to girly music every once in a while

When women show how feminine they are, men will immediately show how masculine they are. Those little changes will immediately make men fall head over heels in love all over again, no matter how long you’ve been in a relationship.

11. Follow Him While He Leads

follow him while he leads

Men are natural-born leaders. This comes from our primitive days of being hunter-gatherers when men made the primary decisions because it was their job to protect the women and children. While we are not going to come face to face with the dangers of wild animals today, the mindset is still the same. 

To nurture the manly side of men, let them lead. Encourage planning things. Go along with what they have to say. Letting your guy take charge or listening when he has advice will instill feelings of manliness over and over again. 

12. Respect Him

There is nothing more emasculating than disrespect. Yelling, shouting, name-calling, and undermining their place in the household can destroy a relationship. It can instantly make him want to find someone else that wants to be protected and loved. Instead, solve issues by using effective communication skills. Maintain respect while doing so. Other examples of disrespect that women might not be aware of include: 

  • Nagging
  • Criticism
  • Controlling behavior
  • Dishonesty
  • Pressuring
  • Not making the other person a priority

Often, we don’t realize that we’re being disrespectful. Women often develop patterns of disrespect due to being exposed to these relationships throughout their life. Men get used to them because they are so common. However, both women and the guy can benefit from learning new patterns of behavior that promote healthy relationships and respect.

13. Check Him Out When He Gets Physical

When you check him out, it shows that you appreciate that awesome, masculine body. Even if his biceps aren’t huge, check him out anyway. Anything that makes him hot and sweaty counts! Some examples include: 

  • Watching him do yard work
  • Smiling while you watch him work on a car
  • Tell him how hot it is when he mows the grass

If he doesn’t notice you checking him out, it doesn’t count.

14. Compliment Him

compliment him

A guy will always have a look that you love. It could be when he’s dressed to impress for a special event. Perhaps it’s right when he gets done doing yard work and looks super manly. Regardless of when it is, you can trust that your guy wants to feel sexy. If you like something, you can always make sure that he will know how you feel.

15. Flirt With Him

Long after relationships begin, women tend to quit flirting. The guy will accept that this is the way it is. Unfortunately, this can lead to a man feeling unwanted, which will kill their manly vibe. Instead, flirt with him. Kiss his neck. Random physical affection goes a long way! 

16. Be Interested In His Life/Work/Career

Sometimes, the non-stop talk about the office can get a bit boring. Save the eye rolls and exasperated sighs though! Even if you’re finding it hard to stay interested, listen to what he’s saying. When his friend is having a hard time, he’ll need to vent. He might like talking about work or making money. When you actually hear him and give positive feedback, it makes him feel important. Every male needs to feel important to enjoy their masculinity. 

17. Be Sweet Instead Of Mean

It can be tempting to nag him about his health or show you care through trying to make him do things. Yet, this does little to promote masculinity. It’s best to be a nice girlfriend. Instead of nagging, have a small talk with him about how you’re concerned about his overall well being. 

Let him know you read an article that says how his current habits will affect him years from now. Worry or concern is better expressed through conversation instead of nagging. 

18. Admire Him

Admiring him for his different point of view, knowing that you’re protected, or pointing out his strengths to other people can instantly instill that manly feeling. If you have children, tell them how awesome daddy is, and point out why. Brag about him to family and friends when you’re together. He’ll not only feel more wanted, but he’ll also want you more too!

19. Be Vulnerable

be vulnerable

As women, we tend to feel like we have to put on the “tough guy” act. We’re always fine. We always have everything under control. When you’re single for so long, it can be easy to never run to anyone. Yet, when you have a partner, it’s okay to relax during a hug. Partners should be able to feel vulnerable with one another. 

This is great for your relationship, everyone in the family, and great for bringing out his protective side. 


How do I make my man feel like a man?

Respect him, his authority, and his independence. Too often we mistake those terms for blindly obeying a man, but that’s not what it means. Simply listening to what he says and taking his opinion into consideration can go a long way. Compliment him, and show him you love him too!

Where to touch a man to make him feel good?

Every guy has a different sweet spot. For some, it’s a trail of kisses up to their spine. Others might be the neck or ear. Try these obvious locations and watch for a reaction. A deep breath, moan or him tensing a little bit is an indicator you’ve found the spot. 

How do you make a man know you want him?

Flirt with him. Smile, hug him and compliment him. More than anything, listen to him with respect. For a bolder approach, consider telling him that you like him. Then ask him out on a date. You can also invite him out with you and friends for a less formal dating option.

What makes a man feel like a man?

Tell him how safe you feel in his arms. Make him feel strong with compliments. Show him he’s physically attractive to you with kisses, hugs, and touches. Remind him that you need him, whether it’s changing light bulbs or giving back rubs. 

How does a man feel when he's in love?

When a man falls in love, he might not know how to act. He will be a little bit awkward, and stare at you or nervously fidget. Guys will notice a faster heartbeat, and they might sweat. Feeling weak in the knees is pretty common too! It will take some time for them to figure it out. 

In Conclusion

When you’re trying to make him feel like he’s more masculine, it usually involves making him feel needed and wanted. For more ways to help your relationship stay intact, contact us! If you’ve got a man in your life, how do you make sure he feels masculine?

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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