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How To Strip For Your Man (19 Satisfying Ways To Perform For Your Partner)

February 2, 2025

When last did you do something super sexy for your man? It’s true that the only way to spice up your sex life is by trying out new things in the bedroom (or anywhere else to be honest). Think about it, sticking to the ‘good old ways’ can get boring very fast. 

Especially when a good number of thirsty ladies are out there offering the dirtiest, naughtiest things on a platter of brass, yes brass! The only thing that should be golden is your rejuvenated relationship. 

As much as healthy communication, understanding, love, and mutual respect play an important role in relationships, sex is one of the major things that can either make or break a relationship. So, getting it right is so crucial, plus, when both you and your partner are on the same wavelength intimacy-wise, it just helps other areas too. 

As important as sex, romance and intimacy are to your man and relationship as a whole, it’s equally beneficial for you. Many ladies are still yet to break out of their shells and explore sexual fantasies with their men. In other words, the men are still in charge in the bedroom, when it should be a shared experience. 

Giving him a good strip tease will help to boost your confidence, and make you the boss every now and then. So what do you say, shall we explore some helpful tips together? I say we should!

19 Tips For The Perfect Strip Tease

1. Be intentional about it

When doing something as romantic as this, you have to be intentional about it. The best or most memorable intimate moments are the ones we are intentional about. You simply have to be willing to put in your all. Any laid-back behavior will be noticed, and it just takes the fun out of everything. 

So, as much as you want to laugh about this later, or enjoy stripping for your man, you still have to be intentional about it. The music you choose, what you wear and the attitude you bring on will be the perfect sign that you’re intentional.

2. Set a date

If you have a certain day set, it helps you plan ahead. Plus, sometimes, springing stuff up on your partner may not be convenient. So, plan around both of your schedules instead. Get your hair, fingers, nails, and the rest done so you look as ravishing as possible. Then ensure that everything you need is made available before that target date.

3. Get the necessary outfits

Whether your plan is teasing or giving your partner a lap dance, you have to dress the part. Wearing just one baggy dress is convenient, but is it sexy? In this case, not really. There has to be something extra appealing under, something extra hot! So pick out some lingerie, a sexy two-piece, and some nice heeled shoes, and get your groove on. 

If you want your partner to sit down and watch you do your thing, it has to be worth his while. Plus, wearing something hot will make you feel sexy, which is a big part of the experience.

4. Choose a place

This may seem trivial because most people go to the bedroom. However, not everyone’s living conditions or sexual preferences make this out to be a perfect choice. Some people love to explore, they wouldn’t mind having a lap dance in the kitchen, garage, or even a friend's place (please don’t do this.)

If you live separately, you’ll have to decide whose palace to go to. And if you do live together, you could both decide to take things out to an Airbnb or trusted hotel.

5. Wear high heels

Everything looks better from a higher vantage point, but most importantly, most women look better in heels. Even extra tall girls look extra peng when they put on heeled shoes. So, pick out a pair you feel comfortable in and practice moving and dancing in them. Ultimately, you have to feel sexy, but comfortable enough to move conveniently without flinching.

6. Choose the perfect lighting

Camera, lights, action! That’s the short explanation for the simple fact that lighting matters when it comes to sensual things like these. For example, some people prefer to get down and dirty with the lights off. Not just because one or both parties feel insecure, but because of the mood it sets. 

Of course in this case you can’t put out the lights, but you can decide to dim them, or go with other colorful ‘club-themed lights’.

7. Choose the songs for your playlist

Strip teasing without music is just awkward. It may work for some, but as a first-timer, (or someone who is trying to perfect their moves) playing music is a safer option. It will get you in the right mood, especially if you play the right songs. If you really want to be naughty, then this might be the right time to put on some trap music. 

8. Get everything clean

get everything clean

The most important part of what you are doing is probably having fun and performing some sexy moves that will get things moving along. And there’s nothing sexy about doing any of that in a dirty environment. So, don’t be in a rush to get the deed done girl, clean up any clutter or mess first. 

Additionally, you may want to get home a little earlier to prepare yourself as well. Trim your hair down, (around the armpits and pubic area) or get a wax some days before. You don’t want to feel insecure while having fun, so make sure everything is clean, well-scented, and attractive to look at.

9. Take things slow

A striptease is not all about getting naked, it’s an art that is supposed to build up anticipation. So, even when the song comes on, take your time to get into the mood before you start taking off your clothing slowly. Always remember to start from top to bottom, it may look awkward if you take off your panties, shorts, or skirt before the clothes on top. 

You can decide to start by slowly tying your hair. Just pull it up into a bun real slow while looking at him. Then work your fingers into your hair and shake it out a little. This helps you buy a little time before taking off anything major. 

Once you are comfortable, you can then pull off the dress slowly. If the shirt or dress has shoulder straps, let them slip off first before removing them sensually. It will look sexier and amp up the mood.

10. Set the rules

Once your husband or boyfriend gets back, slowly walk to him, grab his hands and take him to where the show is going down. Once he is seated and somewhat confused, give him some clues on what he’s about to experience. However, if you want to be more subtle, just make him sit down and tell him not to get up, touch you or do anything else until you are done. 

It will make it a little more fun if you bring in some handcuffs. Make him sit down, and then cuff his hands to the seat. It will make him go crazy with anticipation once you play the music and start stripping.

11. Set the stage

A good striptease requires a conducive environment. That means the lights, chairs, and the entire room should be set up to match the mood. You can get creative with things, get some rose petals, scented candles, or even colored bulbs. Next, you’ll want to arrange the place he’ll be seated at. 

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You can get an extra chair or just arrange the sofa/bed and ensure it’s comfortable. If you want to strip for your man, it has to be purposeful and intentional. Don’t make it sloppy, let him know you put good effort into pleasing him.

12. Watch some helpful videos

The net is such an accessible and helpful place that doesn’t hide anything from its consumers. There are so many videos out there that show professionals performing sample stripteases. So, if you are still on edge about stripping, go and watch some of them. It takes the nerves off and makes everything more simple. 

It should also give you an idea of what to do and what to wear. For example, if the lady with your body built wore a pencil skirt, then maybe go ahead and do the same. However, you still want to keep yours original, so don’t get too invested and try to master every step. The videos should just be a guide and not a compulsory dance tutorial.

13. Practice, practice, practice

No matter how prepared you think you are, it’s still important to practice before dancing in front of your man. You want this to be a pleasant surprise and not an awkward flop. So, after watching some videos online, leave the music playing and practice the moves on your own. It’s even better to video yourself while you do this, so you can see how well you are doing. 

However, do not get too self-absorbed when practicing. A striptease should be entertaining, yes, but you are still the most important part of the entire experience. 

You may not look perfect in the videos, but as long as you have mastered the art of taking off your shoes, shirt, bra, and panties sensually, you are good to go. The point of practicing is to help you get a routine, move with the beat and be more prepared.

14. Take some confidence juice

It’s not easy getting naked in front of anyone, even your man. It’s different during sex because all eyes aren’t on you. A striptease is a more daring move. That being said, if you feel crazy or start panicking just before your husband gets back, it’s time to take some confidence juice. Yes, I mean some liquor, it could be wine or a stronger alcoholic beverage. 

Just ensure you take a little amount so you don’t get too naughty. Plus, you still have to be in your right mind to deliver a killer striptease. This is why wine is a better option, you can even decide to leave a glass and the bottle by his chair in case he needs a few gulps himself.

15. Make eye contact

Whether you are giving him a lap dance or performing some sexy moves, ensure you keep your eyes on the prize. It’s just a little sexier when you have your eyes on him while letting the only things keeping you from being naked slip to the floor one by one. Doing this will also help build your confidence, and make him know that you aren’t shy. 

While your fingers are running over your breasts or rubbing other parts of your body, his eyes will always come back to yours, because he knows you’re looking. In this case, looking for trouble with an extra sensual and naughty striptease.

16. Play pretend

play pretend

It can be hard stripping for your partner when you aren’t in a certain element. A lot of women find it hard to stay serious when they are teased because they can’t get past their own personalities. That’s where assuming a character comes in. You can be Beyonce, Rihanna, or whoever best motivates you, play their song if you have to. Get the hair, and the clothes, whatever makes you feel hot. 

All the while when you’re standing or bending over in that chair, remember who you are embodying. You don’t have to have the breasts, hips, or ass they have. Just play the part and feel great doing it.

17. Let everything conveniently slip off

The whole idea of a striptease is to build the sexual tension in the room… slowly. Which means there’s a lot of drama to it. You can’t just take off your clothes, in the same way, it’s done when rushing off to work or right before a bath. First of all, start by taking your shirt, or dress off, then let them slide or drop slowly on the floor. 

It’s theatrics, he’s going to be anticipating every move and motion if you go slow. If you are wearing a skirt, take that off next. Don’t be awkward about it, remember, you have to look sexy while you’re stripping. The more you pull off the clothing items from your body, slow the pace down, and just make sure everything slips to the ground dramatically.

18. Own the stage

Performing a strip tease is all about taking control and being the star of your own show. That means you determine the where, how, and how long. Let’s say you choose the living area, or even a safer option, the room. If you want to own that space, don’t be secluded and just stay in one area. 

Walk around, make him sweat a little just seeing you strut slowly around the room, all the while looking at him. The whole idea of a strip tease is for your man to appreciate your body. So, use your hands to touch those areas he loves. Subtly rub down your bust area, then go down to your thighs and give them a little squeeze.

19. Be a tease

The whole idea of this performance is to put on a stellar show for your man. However, just as the name implies, you can’t give him everything at once. Take your time and build anticipation, don’t hurriedly pull your clothes off. 

Slip them off in a hot and seductive manner. Everything from the song you choose, to the way you look at him, should make him feel exclusively special but giddy enough to want to stand up and take you right there!


How do you strip for a guy?

One of the first things you should do is ensure the guy you are stripping for is not just anybody. Having a connection with this person will help everything feel more real and sensual. That being said, you want to be as natural, but sexy as possible. While some guys wouldn’t mind you dressing up, others still want to recognize their wives or girlfriends even when getting down and dirty. 

So, don’t get too dramatic if it’s your first time, simply set the mood, dim the lights a little (if you feel a bit sensitive), light some scented candles, and play sensual music. If you’ve ever flirted with your man, turn on the charm and use every move to get his attention

What do you wear to a striptease?

When performing a striptease, you want to be comfortable yet stay looking sexy at the same time. So, the safest bet is to pick out something that accentuates your curves without being too restrictive. You can wear a cute two-piece, sexy lingerie, a low-cut romper, or even matching underwear you rarely wear. Just make sure to wear something that can easily come off on top. 

Don’t waste your time putting jeans or a jumpsuit on top of what you’re wearing under. Rather, opt for an oversized shirt, a big shirt dress, or a short dress. Of course, it’s better to complete your outfit with a killer set of heels. However, if you feel wobbly in them, just go barefoot, and be confident about that. 

How do you do a striptease at home?

First of all, you want to set the tone for the strip tease. Dancing for your partner in a messy room will just be too awkward and distracting. You want the moment to be special, so clear up the clutter, clean any messes and lightly spray the room with a sensual fragrance. The next step is to plan your playlist and think about songs that make you feel sexy and confident. 

Also, include some songs that he likes, cause at the end of the day, a strip tease is a one-man show for two. Once you have set that up, you can decide to decorate and get rose petals, scented candles, colored lights, and more. Do this some hours before the show so you’ll have time to practice, practice, and practice before the main event. 

How do you strip dance for your boyfriend?

Some women run away from strip dancing for the fear of looking awkward. But that’s the thing, strip dancing is more about the confidence you exude and the fun you are having. Yes, it should be sensual, seductive, and sexy, but your boyfriend is expecting you to transform into bad girl Riri overnight. 

So, you can decide to practice some easy moves, and talk through the whole process (only talk about things related to what you’re doing, for example, ask “what would you like me to take off next?”) So, after setting the tone and choosing the right playlist, just bring your game and remember to be confident. You may not be the Queen Bee herself, but you can sure pretend to be her for the next few minutes. 

What do you wear to a burlesque class?

When going to a burlesque class for the first time, you can wear anything but loose-fitting clothes. Baggy clothes will not help the teacher see your body contours, which is very paramount. You can wear occasional workout clothes that are fitting on the body. Or opt for yoga pants and a fitting shirt that will allow the teacher to see your waistline. 

However, to be more professional, it’s best to go for leotards, tights, or leggings. These options help show the contours of your body better. 

To Conclude

So there it is! 19 tips that should help you deliver an amazing performance for your partner. Remember, it all boils down to your confidence. If you’re going to do this, you have to feel good about it. Don’t get pressured to do it because if you’re extra self-conscious, things may get unnecessarily awkward. 

Have any questions or comments on the subject, write them in the section below, I look forward to hearing from you. Also, don’t forget to share this article with friends who need it. Cheers!

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