Keeping your boyfriend happy is something that we all want to do naturally for the person that we love. But sometimes, it can be difficult to think of ways to make our other halves as happy as they could be. Dreaming up cute things to do for your boyfriend or thinking of cute gifts for a boyfriend don’t always come easily to us - especially if you’ve been together for a long time.
Here, we look at 51 cute things you can do for your other half to make them feel like the number one priority in your life. You don’t need a lot of money to do most of them and a lot of these things are actually free.
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It’s such cliche but making supper for the other half maybe something that you have both done together when first dating, but you can arrange a candlelight dinner in your home and don’t need to even go to an expensive restaurant.
Running him a bubble bath so he can relax is one of the best cute things you can do and it will help him destress.
Turn off your phone and talk to your man about his day and how he really is at the moment. Listen to all the things he has to say with all your attention.
Writing how you feel about your man in a card and giving it to him to open can be a wonderful way to keep things fresh in your relationship.
Everyone has a bucket list - ask him about his and try to tick things off it. Even if it means you have to go skydiving!
People really appreciate it when you take the time to talk to their family and relatives.
We all like our homes and things within them to be tidier. You can tidy up your man’s apartment and he will be so grateful.
One of the best things you can do for a relationship is to take an interest in your man’s interests. To make him happy, really try to get on board with his hobbies.
Men often feel like they are the ones that always have to be complimenting their wives or girlfriends. Try to reciprocate it and see him smile from ear to ear.
If you have been in a relationship for a long time, you may have noticed a big lack of kissing. Reintroduce it to your partnership.
Getting breakfast in bed is one of the nicest treats in the morning. Take him on a tray before work or have a leisurely brunch at the weekend.
Your man will invariably have a sweet tooth, so try sending him cookies either at work or at his home.
Just like talking to relatives, it can be a really good idea to talk to your man’s friends. He will appreciate the time you spend trying to get to know them.
Also never underestimate the power of reminding someone how much you appreciate them. Your man will like to know he’s not taken for granted.
Everyone loves a foot massage - even those with tickly feet. Get out the massage oils and rub your man’s feet to help him destress after a day at work.
Every man will have a sexual fantasy. Block out the night and explore one of your man’s.
Going to the theater can be a really great bonding experience for a couple. If your boyfriend or husband loves culture, taking him to see a play can be a great idea.
If you guy is really into music, buy him tickets to see his favorite band in concert. Seeing live music is so much fun that it can make your connection stronger as a result.
Magazine subscriptions are great to present ideas. They can work out fairly inexpensively too if you buy one for long enough. Plus there is one for every type of hobby and interest out there that would appeal to any guy.
Sometimes, there will be a chore that we all need to do more. Clearing out the fridge and giving a deep clean is one of those. Do it for your guy and see how happy he is when it’s done.
Music makes everyone happy. Make a playlist with his favorite songs so that he can listen to them all in a single sitting.
This can be quite expensive, but well worth it if you can afford to indulge you and your guy.
Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.
Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?
This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.
Make sure you take the time to take him away on a romantic weekend. It doesn’t have to be lavish, just somewhere that you can spend quality time together.
If your partner has children, it is essential to make time for them if you want to make your guy happy.
Sometimes, intimacy will fall by the wayside quite quickly between two people. Try to up the levels of kissing, hand-holding, and other tactile gestures between you.
You may not think his favorite restaurant is very romantic, but take him to eat there nonetheless. Men love to give them tummies happy and appetites satiated!
Keeping a guy happy is often about making sure that he eats well. Make him some of his favorite meals during the week to keep him smiling.
Another thing that most guys love to do is have as much sex as possible. Allocate a day where you only leave the bedroom for food and toilet breaks.
Walking can be a very romantic thing to do with each other. Make it even more romantic by doing it at night under the moon.
Because of that sweet tooth, men will be very happy if you take the time to make him his favorite type of cake.
Having a library of your most loved movies is something that we all want to do, but never find the time. Go through your provider’s online video catalog and record your man’s all-time faves.
The sound of your voice will often put a smile on your man’s face - especially after a tough day at work. Record him a message and send it to him.
Men love their cars. If your guy has one sitting in the drive, give it a wash for him.
It’s a real treat to be given a hot cup of coffee in the morning that you didn’t have to make for yourself.
It can be a big chore going off to pick up your dry cleaning, so help your guy out by doing it for him.
It can be very tempting to buy an unhealthy lunch during a busy workday. Help your man by making him a yummy, homemade packed lunch instead.
Some of the best ideas are often the easiest and most overlooked. Telling your man you love him, even if you have said it before, will always bring a smile to his face.
Dressing up in some sexy lingerie or in a sexy new dress will undoubtedly make your man happy.
Making the bed is a way of making your man’s bedroom look instantly tidier. Do it for him and he’ll be more grateful than you realize.
The number of razors a guy needs can quickly rack up to a big expense. Buy him a fancy new razor subscription as a present.
Seeing your face at work will make your guy smile quickly. Just turn up unannounced to make it even more of a treat.
Writing your guy a love note and either posting it to him or leaving it somewhere he’ll find it is an incredibly romantic thing to do - and totally free.
Even writing romantic love notes isn’t your thing, make him smile by sending him an instead.
If you don’t like writing down kinky things, simply tell your guy that you’re thinking of him to make him happy.
People love to hear their praises. Talk about your boyfriend in front of his friends and how you are so proud of everything that he’s achieved.
Concentrating on your man by not using your cell phone when he’s around will undoubtedly make him happy.
Elderly relatives often need a lot of visits and care. Take the pressure of your man by stopping in on his grandmother or grandfather to ensure they’re ok.
No one likes to do things they hate. Keep your man happy by never asking him to do anything he dislikes to do.
Having a photo printed of the two of you and framed will remind your guy of you and make him happy.
Everyone likes to feel valued and a way you can do that with your guy is to ask his opinion.
Spoiling your guy by showering him with love and attention will make him the happiest man on the planet.
Doing something nice for your significant other is always a good idea. What your boyfriend will view as a kind thing to do however will depend on what type of person he is. What would feel like a nice thing to one guy will be very different from another man.
If you want to make your boyfriend happy, one of the best things you can do for your relationship is to talk to him about ways that you can give him more pleasure. This conversation can work through issues in your relationship as well as highlighting activities that he would enjoy.
Just telling your boyfriend directly that you think of him as a special person in your life is very important. Alerting him to your feelings for him is a good idea as it will let him know what your larger thoughts are on your relationship with him.
Making your boyfriend miss you is possible to do in a variety of ways. Playing hard to get, being busy with lots of fun things, or simply being less available to him are all good ideas to make him miss you. However, what exactly is the best course of action will spend on his character.
Some boyfriends will smile if you tell them a joke, others will smile if you tell them something interesting while others will smile if you tell them how you feel about them. Think about your boyfriend therefore and try to establish what type of person he is and what he would appreciate hearing.
To make a relationship work and make sure you and your guy stay together, you may feel like you have to keep things fresh and new. One of the ways you can do that is by doing any number of the cute things we mention above for your man.
In doing so, not only will you be keeping things exciting and romantic between the two of you, but you will also be making your man very happy to be in a relationship with you.
Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.
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This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.