Is your partner always acting nonchalant when it comes to relationship matters?
Does it feel like he wouldn't care if you left him? Does it seem like he could leave at any time?
Maybe his nonchalant attitude is having a horrible impact on your mental health, but he just doesn't care?!
This is a tough situation to be in, especially if his attitude towards you has shifted in a dramatic way. Most probably, you're wondering why this has happened.
Well, I'm going to do my best to help you with this guide. Below, you'll find a list of reasons why your partner is acting this way, and what you can do to turn things around.
The first step I recommend is to download this advanced online communications tracker.
This device will intercept all communications being made on his personal devices, and deliver you information based on these.
You'll find out the whos, whens and how oftens of all his personal communications, plus what apps he's using to message people and more!
It's 100% discreet, so there's no reason for him to find out he's being tracked. This tool could reveal the answer about why he's so flippant around you.
With that said, let's now explore some potential reasons why he might be acting this way.
Table of Contents
When we talk about being nonchalant, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be happy. Also, it’s not about being easy to emotions like fear, anger, or stress. A way to go about everything is to joke about it.
For example, if you fall a glass of wine in an exquisite event, Instead of bowing your head down in shame, keep your head held high and wave it off like oh it happens. You can even throw in a joke about it.
One day you will die, and that’s going to be the end of the road on earth for you. Everyone has an end, so why worry about that now? Getting angry when your siblings snore at night when they sleep, is not something you can change. So, why worry about it. If you want to be nonchalant in a relationship you’ve got to have the zero worries mentality.
Most times, our motive for doing things is to be socially acceptable, to feel accepted. When we do things because of general public opinion, we may become popular, get connections, and it seems like a smart move to make.
Well, it is, but someone with a nonchalant behavior doesn’t feel shame. So if you want to be nonchalant in a relationship, you need to change your motives and do things just because you want to do them. Even if you feel ashamed, ignore that feeling.
Nothing should be a big deal to you, no matter what. Just carry that mindset that whatever is whatever. No big deal. Nothing is worth fainting or worrying about. Some days are bad, some are good, that is life for you.
So why worry and take life too seriously? Chill don’t wear out yourself constantly looking out for others or taking every issue to heart. Careless and the nonchalance will come.
As children, we get these anxious feelings towards issues, and when we get worried. Sometimes, we start to feel self-righteous, and we need everything to go our way. But as children, we are more verbal with our needs. However, being an adult intentionally here means you should respond to things more maturely and show less concern.
You may send a message to the person you’re dating, and he hasn’t replied for hours. Instead of getting angry and venting, it’s better you give an ‘I don’t care’ behavior and face other activities you have for the day. This is better instead of staring at the phone all day waiting for him to reply so you can vent.
When someone is nonchalant, they look more pretty twenty-four hours seven days a week trust me. They have this calm, undisturbed behavior and they show little or no emotion, and it can even look not very pleasant. But it’s not like you are a cold-hearted human being. You are just a chilling girl. It’s like you took a chill pill.
Yoga is a perfect means to remove that mind-chatter that many of us are suffering from as a result of anxiety and stress. It doesn’t only help reduce calories and tone muscles. It’s also a way to lower blood pressure and fix the mind mostly if you are trying to adjust your thinking style.
Not just any exercise but deep breathing one’s, they help you take control of your mind as you concentrate on your body. And you can place your focus on obvious realities like the things around you, the environment where you are performing the exercise, and not just those pent up worries.
Let your body correlate with the things that you say, so you need to pay attention to your body language. Because you may be saying the coolest things, but your body is speaking a different thing, and that can give you away.
Communication is not just in words. Everybody can see through that nonverbal behavior. So, if you are speaking or behaving nonchalantly make sure your body and words are in one accord.
Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.
Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?
This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.
Careless about the opinion of others and pay no attention to their opinion about you. Everybody likes to give their opinions, whether it makes sense or not most people just want their analysis of a particular issue to be heard.
Don’t let other people think of you. Lead your life. And remember, a guy can compliment your nails or say it’s horrible, but you will forget that compliment in no time, or will you remember it forever? Do your thing, and when only your opinion matters, everything will be more comfortable and less stressful for you.
You should develop a go-to reply when a person comes to you with spicy gossip. When the person expects you to be all excited and jump into the conversation without thinking twice, you just let it pass like nothing was said.
Your concentration now should be your calmness and reserved behavior. No matter how your feelings go or your mood swings in a day, what should be constant with you is calmness. Even if you are very happy or struggling with any emotional stress, just put yourself together, stay calm, and resolve those emotions.
You want to show that you are nonchalant, so one way to do that is not reacting in an over-eager way to issues. Let others initiate plans and bring up suggestions. It would be best if you weren’t the one all excited about planning stuff and suggesting a million things at once.
Just make sure you are willing to participate in whatever they bring but don’t be the one getting everything to the table.
You are coming as a cool, calm person, not as a joy kill. When your partner or friends bring you ideas or plans, make sure you participate and encourage them. Let them know that you value and appreciate the things they bring to the table.
If you understand diversity, you will learn to worry less. You are human, and we are diverse in nature. There are a lot of things going on in your life. So if one aspect of your life is not making you happy, look at the other areas of your life which you can be proud of. if one thing doesn’t work out another will.
Most people who are not nonchalant are busy following the crowd. They are doing what others think is right and good for them. The only motive behind the things they do is socially acceptable and please others but don’t be like them.
Be nonchalant and pursue your own unique path. Make sure everything you are doing makes you happy and fulfilled. When you are unique in your motive and chasing your goals, you will understand people better, and petty things will barely get to you
When you call some people nonchalant, they feel bad, and they want to adjust. It’s even worse sometimes when you call yourself nonchalant as people may weirdly look at you. But it’s because they don’t understand what it means to be nonchalant. To be nonchalant is a good thing and it’s not something to feel sad or guilty about so take it with your full chest.
You may think you are nonchalant already, but it will really show in times of emotional stress and in the heights of your feelings. When you are steadily conscious of the fact that you are nonchalant, it becomes neutral, and your natural behavior comes out. So with time, you appear tougher, and it’s obvious who you are.
When you are overly nonchalant, the people around you may feel offended and go away. Man is not an island so as much you want to build that nonchalant behavior. You need to be sensitive to your boyfriend's feelings as well so you won't lose everyone around you as you build nonchalance.
As much as nonchalance is great, it can be a curse at times because people will misunderstand you. They may be unable to approach you and talk about stuff, so they just assume things. It can affect your relationship also because your boyfriend may start feeling distant from you.
Even if he talks to you about it and sees that you honestly don't even care about it, it may lead to more problems.
This may affect your relationship in a pretty bad way but do you anyway. Miss some calls, get quality alone time, do things just because you want to do them, don't ask permission from him all the time. You don't have to be completely vulnerable just because you are in a relationship. Feel okay doing these things and let them just flow naturally.
Being nonchalant is not such a good idea, mostly if it's a new style you are forming. If your reason for wanting to go nonchalant is because of hurt or anger, don't do it. Just talk to your partner about the things that hurt you and find a way to resolve them.
When you are nonchalant, a person can hardly know when something bothers you. And you turning nonchalant can make your partner doubt your commitment and lose assurance. Just be aware that developing a carefree behavior can ruin your relationship.
When you don't give a damn, you are less nervous, you panic less and that space is a very fair one to connect with your partner. When you don't give a damn, things that could have been hindrances are no longer there. This is because you no longer need to play games or act cool. You are just yourself.
Some people have always been nonchalant, and it's no longer a big deal in the eyes of others. But when you are trying to change, it becomes a situation that the people who have known you previously now have to deal with. Now if it's a new habit, what's the cause? What's the point? Is it worth it? Isn't there another way to deal with that situation?
Do only what makes you happy. Don't care what your partner likes if you love playing games then go out and play games. If you love dressing in a certain way, but you haven't been able to do that for a while, then take your time to dress well. Put on that makeup, change that hair color, get that piercing if you love to. Just be happy
Make excuses every time you get a chance to, but at the same time, don't forget this can break your relationship. There should be a level of balance when doing this. For instance, you can't continuously derive your partner of sex and give some sort of excuse every time. Yes, don't give in to his sex demands every time, and don't say no every time either.
This will help to keep you and your partner going. Even though you are trying to be carefree, once in a while, look sexy for him, take him on dates, top your sex game. If you both decide to do something together, stand by your word. Be unpredictable, this will help our relationship.
This is someone who doesn't care about anyone or anything. They live a very relaxed and calm life. But this could be good or bad.
Aries, you don't see them worrying about things they know they can't change. Gemini is always so busy chasing their career that they don't care about anything else. Libra is very diplomatic and has a nonchalant mindset. Aquarius doesn’t care about anybody at all; they just do what they love.
They complain a lot, even about irrelevant things. Also, they never see anything good in anyone. They gossip every time they have a chance to, they are proud. They are people who spend more time concentrating on other people’s flaws rather than theirs.
I gave 27 ways you can get a nonchalant behavior, but when deciding to do this, don't forget it has its disadvantages.
It means when you are unfriendly. You are not interested in anything, or you feel distant or apart from people.
I hope you found this article helpful. While being nonchalant, don't forget you might be hurting people in the process. Make sure you think of the outcome of whatever you decide because we all need people in our life.
Let me know what you think, and please don't forget to share this article with others.
Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.
Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?
This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.