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When Aquarius Man Ignores You (17 Best Tips For What To Do)

December 27, 2024

Are you being ignored by an Aquarius man? Is it driving you crazy?

Perhaps it felt like you were on the cusp of something beautiful, only for him to pull the rug from under your feet and leave you in no-woman’s land??

Would you like to know the best strategy to get out of ghost-town and regain his romantic interest? 

It is absolutely possible to do so. In fact, the strategies for winning back the interest of an Aquarius man are extremely reliable.

I’ve listed the best steps for you to take in the guide below.

A nice first step to take is to download this online communications tracker tool. This tool will be able to show you various details about who this guy is contacting and what he’s doing online.

In many cases, this information will shed some light on why he’s ignoring you. From there, you’ll be best placed to make a move to recover. 

Discretion is guaranteed with this tool, so there’s no need to be anxious about this guy discovering he’s being tracked. It just requires a handful of his details to get started.

It can be frustrating being ignored by someone you care about, but often this is part of the road to true love! Now, it’s your turn to make the right move on this rocky road! 

Read the guide below carefully and it’ll become clearer what steps you need to take.

How To React When An Aquarius Man Ignores You

Here are 17 suggestions that can work well with an Aquarius man who has started to ignore you when you are dating him or even if you are in a long term relationship. Try using one or two at first and if you don’t see any results, move on to another. Using all of them at once will be too hard on you as well as very confusing for the Aquarius guy in your life. 

1. Ask him why

Perhaps the quickest and direct way of getting to the bottom of why an Aquarius man in your life seems to be ignoring you is by asking him outright. This can take the most guts and confidence as it may well mean that you are in for an awkward conversation. However, take comfort in the fact that in the long run, you will get to the bottom of anything you need to rectify far more quickly than if you let this behavior continue for any length of time.

2. Play hard to get

If you really like an Aquarius man who is ignoring you and you want to get back in his good books, something you can try is playing hard to get. This can be hard if he is not paying you any attention, however, a good idea can be to ensure that you do not make yourself too available each and every time he tries to make contact with you.

3. Make him jealous

Just because he doesn’t want to talk to you at the moment, doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you or have feelings for you. If you are in the type of relationship where you can date other people, perhaps because you haven’t made things exclusive yet, it can be a great idea to date other guys to make him jealous. Jealousy can be something that makes him want you back in his life immediately.

4. Focus on yourself

While there may be an important reason why an Aquarius man is ignoring you, it is important to realize that acting like this is emotionally immature if it is done frequently. Therefore, remember to focus on yourself during the times that an Aquarius man has chosen to give you the cold shoulder. Concentrate on your wants and needs to ensure that you are as happy as can be. 

5. Startup new hobbies

Another way to use this newfound spare time well is to start up new hobbies that can also make you happy. While hobbies cannot replace a boyfriend or a relationship, they can offer you something to focus your mind on while you are going through a difficult patch with your Aquarius man. 

6. Spend more time with your friends

 Spend more time with your friends

A good way to focus on yourself and make sure you are happy is to spend time with your friends. You know already that they like you which can help keep your confidence up while your Aquarius man is ignoring you. 

7. Try to understand

Of course, there could well be a reason why your Aquarius man is giving you the cold shoulder. In addition to asking him directly what is wrong, it can be really helpful to try to understand what he is going through too. In doing so, he may well approach you in a better way than ignoring you the next occasion he gets hurt in the course of your relationship.

8. Spend more time at work

A proactive way to keep yourself busy while your Aquarius man is not giving you any attention is to concentrate on your career. Often, it is hard to keep our romantic life and our professional career balanced, so use the quiet days in your romantic life as an opportunity to focus on your job. 

9. Ask if you can help

Sometimes people start ignoring their loved ones as a misplaced way of asking for help. Bearing this in mind, it can be a good idea to ask your Aquarius man if there is any way that you do something or help him with something that he may need from you in the future. 

10. Be patient

It can be a great idea simply to be patient if you have an Aquarius man that you like who is ignoring you. The reason being is that this can be quite common behavior for this star sign. If you are serious about this being a long term thing, sometimes it can be best just to ride out these phases. 

11. Try to give him attention

Aquarius men love attention so a good way to cope with when they are ignoring you is to try to provide them with everything they may need or want in response. They will find this comforting at times so will like you to bestow them with as much attention as you can. 

12. Suggest a breakup

It can be a tough route to take, but sometimes when you like an Aquarius man who ignores you on occasion, it can be a good idea to suggest a breakup. This is because it can make them realize their behavior is not on, but also it can permit you some control to balance out the relationship again. 

13. Start dating other people

If you are not in an exclusive relationship with an Aquarius man, you can use the times that he ignores you as an opportunity to start dating other people. He may be, ultimately, the one that you want, but dating other people will show him not to take you for granted. 

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

14. Avoid getting angry

If you become angry with his behavior, the Aquarius man will often be the type of guy to become super defensive. This can make the issue far worse than it needs to be. If you want to discuss the issue, do so as calmly as you can to diffuse the situation. 

15. Tell him his actions hurt you

An Aquarius man is usually a very kind person but doesn’t always get it right. He probably doesn't realize the impact that his actions have on you. Point out to him that you are getting hurt by his ignoring you and see what he says.  

16. Go back to basics

If an Aquarius man is ignoring you, it can be a good idea to go back to basics in your relationship. Think back to when you were first dating. What was it that you did to keep things fun between you? Try to reignite that spark by keeping things simple and just enjoying getting to know each other

17. Go on vacation

Go on vacation

If it’s really bad between you and your Aquarius man, it can be a good idea to go on vacation as getting away can allow you to gain some much-needed perspective back. Try thinking about what you really want from your partnership and whether a guy who can consistently ignore you will be able to make you happy long term. 


How do you react when an Aquarius man ignores you?

It’s important to realize that when an Aquarius man ignores you, you can react in any way. Your feelings are just as valid as his and you need to provide them with an outlet. Therefore, choosing any one of the above courses of action is fine as long as you get what you want from the relationship too. 

What happens if you ignore an Aquarius man?

Ignoring an Aquarius man is a tricky thing to do as his subsequent reaction can be quite different, depending on what Aquarian character traits are strongest within him. He may start chasing after you but he may also withdraw into himself even further. 

Do Aquarius hate being ignored?

Some Aquarian men hate to be ignored. Depending on which of their Aquarian character traits are strongest will have a massive bearing on whether they will tolerate being ignored. If they are very tolerant they won’t mind it, but if they are temperamental or stubborn, they could get quite upset

How do Aquarius men deal with the silent treatment?

Depending on what characteristics and qualities are strongest within them will have a big bearing on how they deal with someone ignoring them. The silent treatment may make them ask you directly what is wrong, but it may also make them detach from you and become more independent of the relationship. 

How do you know if an Aquarius man is no longer interested?

An Aquarius man can be tricky to tell if he is no longer interested in you. This is because, just because he may be ignoring you, he may not be thinking about ending your relationship. He may just be doing it to have some needed timeout. The best way to tell is to ask him directly. 

When You’re Dealing With An Aquarius Man Ignoring You - Conclusion

If you are dating an Aquarius man who is ignoring you, it can be a very upsetting situation to cope with. Try using one of our suggestions above to deal with the issue as proactively and constructively as you can.

Ultimately, however, you need to have confidence in yourself to ensure that your partnership will be happy over the long term. Remember not to rely on his actions to make you content - that needs to come from within.

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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