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What Makes A Man Leave His Wife For Another Woman? (The Truth)

January 25, 2025

Are you worrying about your man leaving you for another woman?

Do you wonder what it is that makes a man leave his wife for another woman? 

Are you looking for ideas on what to do to stop it from happening? 

If so, this is the guide for you. We are about to explore this topic in depth. 

However, before we do, I want you to read these next few sentences carefully.

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You’ll discover who he’s been frequently contacting, what online services he’s using, whether he registered alternative contact details and more. 

Put simply, this tool will make it immediately obvious if your partner is doing shady stuff behind your back.

The guide below will give you an idea of whether a man is ready to likely to leave his wife for another woman.

What Is An Affair?

So what exactly is an affair? And what can it look like? Here we look at three facets or traits of an affair - only one or two of them need to be present for an affair to cause things to go materially wrong in a marriage. 


Perhaps one of the most common things seen in an affair is a married guy having sex with someone who is not their wife. Obviously, even within sex, there is a huge scope for differing levels of physical intimacy. For example, some men may think that a kiss is the act of having an affair, while others would say that only sexual intercourse would count as them having cheated on their wives. Anything in between is also a cause for a grey area - indeed, some wives or husbands may even believe that holding hands with someone outside of a marriage is one step too far. 

Emotional Connection

In some people’s views, some will say that an affair has taken place if there is an emotional connection between two people who are not married, but one of them is married to someone else. This can because for a man and a woman who are married to disagree if an affair has indeed ever taken place. This is because some men may think that if they emotionally connect with someone else, but they don’t sleep with them, that they technically have not cheated on their wives. This is a personal standpoint, but either way, it is possible for this type of emotional affair to cause pain and anguish to a marriage. 


Perhaps something that cannot be debated when it comes to affairs, is that at some point - whether the affair has moved into physical realms yet or not - there will be a deception. Lying and betraying your partner as to where you are, what your intentions are towards someone else, or what you have been up to, are all big causes for concern. When those deceptions are to cover up your actions towards someone for whom you have both physical and emotional wants, then it is likely that you are already having an affair. 

Is Dating A Married Man A Good Idea? 

Answering whether dating a married guy is a good idea or not is a difficult question. The reason being is that it will substantially depend on the people within the situation. It could be that you have found someone who is very unhappily married for good reasons and the marriage has very little chance of surviving. In fact, it could be that you have started dating someone who has already started down the lines of leaving their wives and are close to divorce proceedings. 

However, it could also be that the guy you have in your sights, is not going through the huge problems that he may lead you to believe are rife in his marriage. It is when this is the case that you should proceed with a high level of caution. There are so many reasons that guys try to have extramarital affairs and so often a lot of people end up getting hurt as a result - not least you. You may well have strong feelings for him but a marriage is a complicated thing and often there will be a lot of history between a man and his wife that can make it prudent for you to give him a wide berth - at the very least until he has left his wife or legally separated from her. 

Also, you need to think about the future before starting out dating a guy who is married. If you can honestly answer that yes, you think there is a future for you both, then it may be a circumstance where dating a married guy is ok -- if he is one of them that is also in an unhappy, unsavable marriage. If, however, you feel that there is no future for you and that your relationship would be based around a strong sexual desire that will soon peter out, then it may be best to forget this guy. If you were both to act on those sexual desires you could end up hurting a lot of people more than necessary - particularly if there are kids involved. 

What Makes A Man Leave His Wife For Someone Else? 

There are instances where men do vacate their marital home and break up their marriage as they have started a partnership with someone else. Here, we look at things that make that happen.

1. He Has Fallen In Love

While he may not have intended for it to happen, sometimes marriages break down due to an affair because the husband has fallen in love with someone else. These affairs can start for all manner of different reasons, but the result is that the husband cannot carry on in his marriage and wants to be with the other woman he has fallen for. 

2. His Marriage Is Beyond Repair

Affairs are very often symptoms of deeper issues in a marriage. Very often, for a guy to up and go, he will need things to be beyond repair with his wife. This can be heartbreaking for all involved when this does happen as no one starts a marriage thinking that their relationship will end in divorce. However, marriages do go wrong on many occasions as life can cause issues to start for totally unforeseen or unpredictable reasons. When this is the case, coupled with the fact that he has found love elsewhere, it can result in a guy leaving his significant other for good. 

3. His Wife And Him Have Grown Apart

A very common occurrence in marriages where affairs take place is that the couple has simply grown apart from each other. This is common because it is very difficult for two people to stay close for the entirety of a lifetime

Things can get in the way and cause people to change and react to things differently than their partners would have wanted. Life can throw so many problems and situations at people, that it can cause a marriage to start to break down slowly. When this happens, it can cause a sort of unhappiness that can make either of the married pair look elsewhere for what they need on an emotional level. 

What Stops A Man From Leaving His Wife For Someone Else? 

If you are wondering if your boyfriend will ever desert his wife, here are some of the most common reasons as to why he will never leave her for you. It’s good to learn what can make a husband stay in a marriage, as it means you will not get your hopes up too high that the relationship may last. 


Perhaps the biggest reason that men will never leave their wives is that they are a family and they have children together. Men and women are both a lot less likely to break up a marriage if children, particularly young children, are involved. This is because of the fear of not seeing children regularly can make them stick out any unhappiness, but also because they do not want to hurt their children either. Affairs with married men that have children are also something to be wary of as future relationships with your boyfriend’s children can be hard if they know he left their mother for you. 

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

He Still Loves Her

He may say otherwise, but a big reason that guys never desert their wives is simply because they still love them. It can be hard to come to terms with this, particularly if you have fallen in love with him yourself too, but guys won’t often say that they still love their wives to their extramarital girlfriends. If he still loves his wife, your guy is very unlikely to leave her as he will want to try to work on upholding their own in the future. Also, if he loves her still, he will find it difficult to imagine a life without her. 

He Is Afraid

People often get stuck in ruts in marriages which is when extramarital affairs can often take place. Men like to look for a thrill elsewhere and once they have achieved that thrill, they may continue with an affair. However, that does not mean he ever has any intention of leaving his wife, and often it is because those that are stuck in a rut in their marriage are too afraid to break it up. The thought of the future without their long term partner can be too scary and too intimidating for some, that they simply never buck up the courage to leave their wives for you. 

He Is Just Using You For Sex

Sadly, a lot of extramarital affairs take place as men look to improve their sex life. While it may sound like a stereotype, it is so common for a man to look outside of a marriage for only a single thing: sex. While affairs can be signs of larger marriage problems, a man will often look for sexual satisfaction with someone else as a way to relieve any issues they are going through with their wife. Or, sometimes, they simply don’t get their sexual needs met in the marriage and they sleep with someone else as a way to solve that. 


How Do I Leave My Husband For Someone Else?

Leaving your husband for someone else is a big step. The first thing you need to do is ensure that you really want to go through with it. If you do, you need to talk with both your husband and your boyfriend at length about what the future holds for you all. 

How Do You Get Your Husband Back After He Leaves You For Another Woman?

Winning your husband back after he has left you for someone else and broken up your marriage is a hard thing to do. You need to solve the marriage problems that made him fall in love with someone else in the first place and caused him to walk out originally. This can be done by talking through those issues. 

Do Husbands Regret Leaving Their Wives?

Husbands will often regret leaving their wives in some ways. While some affairs happen because the husband is materially unhappy in their marriage and don’t even like their wives anymore, others happen for less cut and dry reasons - this is when regret starts to occur. 

What Do You Do When Your Husband Loves Someone Else?

You need to ask yourself what you want from this situation when you find that your husband is in love with someone else. Everyone is different so you need to figure out whether you want to work on your marriage or simply separate. 

What Percentage Of Affairs End In Marriage?

According to, only 3 to 5 percent of all affairs actually result in marriage. Sadly, an additional statistic that closely follows this is that many of those marriages go on to fail too - as many affairs start for deceptive reasons that infiltrate a relationship and cause distrust and harm.  

The Bottom Line

Learning what makes a married guy end his marriage and live with a woman he is having an affair with can have a huge bearing on whether you ever enter into a partnership with him in the first place. So often, women are led to believe that their married boyfriend will end up walking out on his marriage, but there are so many reasons why this never ends up happening. Ask yourself whether it is worth the risk before doing anything you may, or may not, regret. 

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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