If you’re in a relationship, it can be a worry at times thinking about whether the person you are with is actually someone you are truly compatible with. We all feel time-strapped and so sometimes one of the biggest grievances about the end of a relationship is that we have wasted time on a person with whom we should never have been with.
Looking at a person’s star sign can be a fantastic way of addressing those worries from the outset. You can use astrology as a way to look at a relationship's long term chances. Here, in this article, we look at Virgos and Capricorns to ascertain if they are truly good for one another. We specifically look at the Virgo man and Capricorn woman pairing in a relationship to see whether it can stand the test of time with two people falling in love.
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While there are a handful of characteristics that can cause a Virgo man and Capricorn woman some difficulties, there are also some really great traits that they both have that help them be happy together. Each relationship will be different down to which of these characteristics is the most dominant in each person, but it can be a great indicator as to how this Virgo man Capricorn woman compatibility will work.
One of the reasons that a Virgo and Capricorn can make each other so happy is the fact that they are both very sensitive beings. While sometimes this can cause issues as arguments can flare up over nothing, it does also mean that both the Virgo man and the Capricorn woman are more empathetic to their partner’s needs than another sign may be. It can also mean that their sensitivity helps address issues before they blow up to bigger problems as they are more attuned to each other's needs.
A Virgo man is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, which appeals to a Capricorn woman. A Capricorn woman’s disciplined ways appreciate a loyal partner who will not have a wandering eye. In fact, a Capricorn woman cannot comprehend why someone would be unfaithful due to their dedicated ways, which is why a loyal Virgo man can be such a wonderful match for her.
One of the things that a Virgo man, with all his anxiety-ridden ways, will love most about a Capricorn woman is the fact that she is just so realistic. As she is so realistic, she will help calm his nerves that transpire from feeling out of his depth and a fear of looking silly. As a Capricorn woman will always have a straightforward view of the world, this will give him a great deal of comfort that will make him more content and happy.
No mention of a Capricorn woman’s personality would be complete without mentioning her determined ways. She is one of those women who, when she sets her mind to something, she will succeed. This is great for a Virgo man and Capricorn woman dynamic as Virgo men will be attracted to this level of ambition, drive, and determination. While Virgo men can be controlling at times, this is why a Capricorn woman can be such a great match for him. She will simply not let his domineering ways get the better of her - in fact, she will keep him in check.
Things with an insecure partner are never easy, and when it comes to a Virgo man and Capricorn woman pairing this can be particularly the case. It can cause an imbalance in the relationship and things can get quite tough for them. It will be the Virgo man that is the insecure partner, but a Capricorn woman’s sensitive yet realistic ways can make it hard for her to deal with.
She may find that her Virgo man’s insecurities are over the top, and her sensitive nature may find any of the insecurities that he blames on her as a big shadow cast on her character. This is one of the reasons this pair must be open and honest with each other from the start.
Another reason that a Virgo and Capricorn pairing may not always work out is down to a Capricorn woman’s uptight ways. This is difficult for a Virgo man to deal with when he is such a kind considerate person. He won’t understand the slightly harsher side of his girlfriend which can make a Virgo man and Capricorn woman pairing hard to maintain at times. His sensitive side will also take her uptight ways personally - much like she takes his insecurities very personally too.
It may sound odd, but one issue that a Virgo man and Capricorn woman may come up against is the fact that the Capricorn female is one of the most practical signs of the horoscope. The reason this can cause issues is that it can make her too regimented for the Virgo’s caring ways. He will want to bend to support her or their love. She, of all the signs, will let the practical side of things win each time. This can start to grate on the Virgo man and start to bring about problems between the pair.
A Virgo man and Capricorn woman pairing can be one that gets into difficulty early on if the critical nature of a Virgo man is not addressed quickly enough. If it is, this pairing has the ability to stay in love and make one another very happy for a very long time. However, due to being uptight and sensitive in nature, a Capricorn woman can struggle to deal with a Virgo man’s critical ways. It can cause issues to flair up when really this dynamic would do well to use their sensitive natures just to talk through each other’s worries and concerns as and when they happen.
A Capricorn woman and a Virgo man dynamic in a relationship can work as long as the couple is open and honest about the issues they both encounter as and when they come up. They can have a wonderful relationship as some of their traits bring out the best in one another, but they still need to work at it.
It’s always difficult to make someone fall in love, but if a Virgo wants a Capricorn to fall in love, then the best thing to do is match her ambition and determination to achieve. Capricorns can be very sensitive, like Virgos, so as long as the Virgo is aware of that, it can be a great match.
As Capricorns are sensitive people, they can be some of the best lovers that the zodiac sees. This is helped by the fact that they are very practical people so they sometimes have a very pragmatic approach to making love, but it also means they literally know how to hit the spot each and every time.
Winning a Virgo man’s heart is all about making sure that you make him feel loved, appreciated, and supported. This is down to his insecure ways that make him very critical of himself. You also need to ensure that you match his kindness and loyalty at all times too.
A Virgo man Capricorn woman relationship may break up when the two of them are both too sensitive at any one time. The relationship can buckle therefore at the weight of both individual’s needs as both these zodiac signs have a very touchy side.
Without a doubt, the Virgo man and Capricorn woman dynamic can be one that has issues that arise from a number of personality traits that bring out the worst in each other. However, they also have a number of characteristics that bring out the best in each other. Their sensitive ways can be both their best advantage and their downfall.
Of all the signs though, if they fall in love, they are likely to remain that way - if they remember to talk to one another about any problems that transpire. If they do not talk about problems early on, not only does that simply kick the can down the road to cause bigger issues later on, their personalities are such that the problems can get bigger than needs be anyway. This is down to the Capricorn’s realistic ways which can sometimes come off as too harsh for the caring Virgo, or down to the Virgo’s critical ways that can hurt a Capricorn’s touchy ways.
As ever, open and honest communication between the pair will help them remain in love.
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