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How To Stop Being A Crybaby (11 Effortless Ways)

Everybody cries; it’s a natural phenomenon. Crying is one of the subtle ways of easing penned up emotional and physical pain. Tearing up gives a sense of calm, which makes one feel better. People cry for various reasons; some justifiable, some not. 

You tend to see so many people in tears at funerals, which is expected. Interestingly, some people tear up while watching sad movies or listening to sad songs. Some burst into tears while talking about something that they are passionate about or during a heated conversation.

It’s also common to see people tear up whenever they are stressed out or in a helpless situation. Regardless, crying all the time excessively without good reason will cause you embarrassment and probably earn you the nickname “crybaby.”

Do you cry a lot? Or simply put – are you a crybaby? If yes, then we may have a problem. People won’t take you seriously when they notice you let your emotions get the best of you at every turn. Here are some tips on how to stop being a crybaby.

11 Ways To Stop Being A Crybaby

1. Ascertain what triggers your tears

Ascertain what triggers your tears

Take a step back and process what you are feeling. Is it anger, sadness, or joy? Or, is it an emotion you are not aware of? As I mentioned earlier, people tear up at the slightest rush of emotions regardless of whether it is for a good reason. 

By identifying the emotion that triggers your tears, you will be able to head them off more easily. Pay close attention to your state of mind and body any time you feel like crying. It will make it easier and faster to detect your emotional triggers.

2. Deal with the emotion that triggers your tears

If you have successfully identified the emotion triggering your tears, grin and push through it. There’s no need to beat yourself about your excessive tearing up because that won’t help the situation in any way. 

Moreover, berating yourself would only weaken your resolve to handle the situation. Instead, acknowledge the emotion you are experiencing at that moment. We all have various emotions that trigger us to tears. 

Identify yours and master how to manage it. Despite it being a natural occurrence, you can control your response to that emotion. You DON’T have to cry or say words that you may regret later.

3. Take a deep breath

Breathing in the face of anxiety, anger, and fear can help you relax and calm down. Whenever you notice a surge of intense emotions that makes you cry, learn to take regular deep breaths. The deep, slow breathing will help soothe your frayed nerves and calm your mind.

This technique also works wonders in times of stress and adversity. It results in placing your body in a more restful state, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure. Make a habit of practicing the deep, slow breathing technique. It will come in handy amid any strong feeling and emotion.

4. Learn to step away from whatever is causing the tension

Sometimes, the best thing to do amid intense emotions is to walk away. The longer you stay in an extreme situation, say a heated conversation, the greater the chances of you bursting into tears. If you can, step outside for a moment to pull yourself together and calm your frayed nerves. 

In most cases, taking a step back from the situation can help lighten your mood and enable you to move past the ugly situation. Believe me when I say that the tears gathering up in your eyes would inevitably disappear when you are no longer within that vicinity.

5. Refocus your thoughts

Positive thinking is one of the ways to stay ahead of your emotions. Take your mind away from what’s happening around you. Mentally refocusing your thoughts is a viable alternative to physically stepping away from the situation. 

Remember the kind remarks people have made about you in the past. Alternatively, think about all the happy memories and experiences you have had and ensure you dwell on them. 

Remember that other peoples’ opinion of you does not matter as much as you feel about yourself. Positive thinking helps build up self-confidence, which will, in turn, allow you to control your emotion.

6. Meditate frequently

Meditation on its own is a unique form of mental therapy. It involves zeroing your mind off everything happening around you and calming your body. Meditating helps to reduce negative penned-up emotions and stress significantly. The good thing about it is that it can be done wherever you are and whenever you need it most.

One of the popular types of meditation entails repeating a mantra – a short phrase to focus the mind – over and over. You can use any mantra of your choice as long as it works for you. As you repeatedly recite your mantra, your focus should remain on letting your thought of crying go. 

7. Cut down on some activities

If you feel like you cry too much, it may likely be as a result of stress. People who easily get overwhelmed by stress tend to cry a lot. So, what to do? Start by identifying those things that get you stressed out or emotional. 

Tight deadlines, procrastination, and unrealistic goals are more likely to increase stress. Avoid it by staying on top of your activities and obligations. The best thing to do is to keep your schedule simple. 

Reduce the number of activities and obligations you commit to. You don’t owe anybody any explanation for doing so. Learn to say no to any activity that will stress and stretch you too thin.

8. Learn to confront a situation without getting emotional

Learn to confront a situation without getting emotional

Nine times out of ten, it’s people around you that throw you in the midst of heightened tensions and emotions. Instead of stepping away all the time, confront whatever is facing you head-on without fear. 

In doing so, try not to get emotional to avoid tears running down your eyes. Regardless of who the person is, ensure you tell them to their face that they hurt you. Sometimes, the only way to help the situation is by saying something.

If those around you are fond of making you cry, ditch them and find yourself a true friend—your happiness and well-being matter above all else.

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9. Reach out to loved ones for help

If you feel your excessive tearing up is becoming a problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to those closest to you – family, friends, or colleagues. Taking out ample time to discuss what’s bothering you can help calm the situation. 

If you don’t correctly understand what you are going through, talking to someone can provide you with clarity and possible solutions to tackle the situation.

Ensure the person you share your thoughts with is someone you trust wholeheartedly. You can single out any of your trusted friends or family members, preferably a parent. 

10. Get a hobby

One way to manage strong emotions is by getting something to serve as a distraction, preferably a hobby. Occupying yourself with extracurricular activities can help you clear your mind and ease tensions.

When picking out a hobby, opt for a repetitive hobby to ensure your mind stays occupied at all times. Here are some viable options to choose from – playing board games, cooking, painting, knitting, and sewing.

Alternatively, you could also try exercising regularly. Exercise is one of the effective ways to manage stress. Additionally, it can help calm your mind and take it off what went wrong.

11. See a healthcare provider

If you find yourself getting emotional or crying all the time, you’re likely dealing with depression. What’s more, mental health problems such as bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder may be responsible for the intense emotions you may be feeling. 

Furthermore, you may be experiencing premenstrual syndrome, which causes you to feel emotionally unbalanced. This is usually the case for ladies getting ready for their monthly cycle. 

Whichever way, you need to see a certified healthcare provider as a matter of urgency to get a proper diagnosis. After which, depending on the diagnosis, you should pursue the appropriate treatment.


What makes someone a crybaby?

Someone who is sensitive, quick to tear up, and gets emotional quickly. Such a person’s feelings are very easily hurt, and emotions tend to get high at the slightest provocation. Crybabies are fond of complaining, grumbling, and whining excessively. In most cases, they lack self-confidence and cry for no reason.  

Is it bad to be a crybaby?

Women can get very emotional at times, and that’s okay. Crying, when done for the right reasons, is never a bad thing. Conversely, letting your feelings get the better of you and tearing up easily doesn’t speak good of any person. Being too sensitive and emotional can be embarrassing, to say the least. 

How do I stop being so emotional?

Start by identifying those things that make you sensitive and emotional. Instead of beating yourself up about it, refocus your thoughts on positive things and avoid overthinking. What’s more, try as much as possible not to get overwhelmed by stress. Learn to articulate your words and thoughts properly to avoid escalating tensions.

How do you not cry when yelled at?

Crying when yelled at is downright embarrassing. You can attempt to hold back the tears by pinching the bridge of your nose or the skin between your thumb and forefinger. Alternatively, you can take some slow, deep breaths to calm your nerves. You can also look away or find something to distract you from the person yelling at you.

Why do I cry so much over little things?

Crying over little things could stem from several reasons ranging from a negative past to an underlying health condition. Some people are easily stirred to tears by the mere hint of anything that triggers their tears. Crying at the slightest provocation is also a symptom of depression and anxiety or some form of a neurological condition.

To Conclude

If you cry too much, the tips highlighted above will help you manage and control the situation. Hopefully, you will transition from being a “crybaby” to an even-tempered woman. Kindly share your thoughts and experiences via the comment section below. You can also help share this article for a wider reach.

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