Is there a Taurus man in your life who you’d like to be closer with?
Are you wondering what you can text him to make him more attracted to you?
This guide will help you to do just that.
It features 10 amazing tricks to help attract a Taurus man via text.
However, before you take a look at these texts, I urge you to read the following story as carefully as possible.
It’s important to know: text messages can only do so much to make a man attracted to you.
There are certain things you can do that are far more powerful than words on a screen.
I had real problems keeping men attracted to me in the past.
I’d spend hours trying to think of a great text to send my crushes, but it didn’t matter because I didn’t do the right things when I was around them.
Thankfully, that all changed when I did some research on what makes men experience a deep level of attraction.
It was during this time that I discovered ‘The Hero’s Instinct’.
This is a psychological routine that triggers intense feelings of power and self-worth in a man.
When you do this properly, his levels of attraction can rocket to overwhelming levels.
I know because I took the time to master this skill! To learn more about this, click to read my personal story.
This psychological routine is incredibly consistent. But the crazy thing is: so few people seem to know that it exists.
So, if you’re struggling to keep men interested in you, I’d recommend you click to discover how The Hero’s Instinct works.
Then, you can go ahead and read this article below to help you attract a Taurus man via text. If you follow the ten tips below, you’ll be well on your way to having a Taurus man in love with you.
Table of Contents
The first thing you need to get clued up on is the personality traits of Taurus men so that you can fully understand why you need to communicate with them in a special way.
Taurus is the zodiac sign of those born between April 20th and May 20th. It’s an earth sign, and therefore they are fixed, grounded, set in their ways, and typically unshakably stubborn. Although these might sound like bad qualities, depending on what you value in a person, they could be the perfect ones to suit you. From these main qualities, other more seemingly positive personality traits derive. They are exceptionally loyal people, they work hard, have a stoic determination and they’re incredibly practical.
A Taurus guy will always have a plan, he’ll know exactly what he wants from life and he’ll go and get it. He will crave being stable, secure, and values predictability. However, this doesn’t mean that they are boring people, in fact, they are really romantic partners that strive to make you happy and they can be extremely passionate in the bedroom because they’re ruled by Venus.
However, one thing you need to know is that Taurus men do not open up quickly. This is really important when it comes to texting, as well as real-life meetings. Due to the fact that a Taurus man needs stability, he will need to really see a future with you and be falling in love with you before he opens up and expresses deeper emotions, otherwise in his eyes, it’s a waste of time.
So, to make him feel like you’re worth investing his time in, you need to take a look at and pay good attention to the texting tips below so you can make sure you get him hooked on you right from the beginning.
From past experience of dating other guys or trying to get men to like you, you might think that going hardcore with the flirting or dirty messages is the way to go. With a Taurus man, this is not the answer. Of course, flirting will help to get a Taurus guy all revved up for you (and we’ll take a look at this in more detail in the next point) but it’s not the most important thing you need to do.
Like many men, Taurus men like to feel like they’re the ones doing the chasing in the relationship, and therefore flirting straight away or trying to ask him out on a date is never a good idea. Instead, the first thing you need to do is build up the trust between the two of you and show him that you’re a friendly, fun, lighthearted person. You should, therefore, try to keep all of your text messages happy, fun, and friendly. Once you have gained his trust and respect as a friend, you can then try to make it a little bit more flirty, but only after you’ve got to this stage, otherwise he’s most likely going to think you’re like that to everyone.
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Once you’ve managed to make him feel at ease with you and you’ve built a friendship between the two of you, you can then start to add in a little flirt from time to time. Other men might find it attractive if you send naughty photos or talk dirty to them… do not do this with a Taurus until you’re dating them as it will make them feel like you’ve shown too much of yourself already. Great ways to attract Taurus guys are by saying something as simple as ‘you look so handsome in the photo you just posted’ or sending a teasing photo (not half-naked) in a cute dress you just bought saying something like ‘what do you think of this?’ - this will make him think of you and he will most likely continue the flirt.
The important thing with flirting with a Taurus man is to make him know that you’re interested, but not come on too strong to him. He needs to be the one in control here, so gently nudging him into flirting with you is encouraged, but forcing a mood and being downright dirty is not.
Taurus guys are notoriously slow at texting back, so don’t panic if he doesn’t reply to you for hours or even days - he won’t mean anything bad by it, he will just be busy. He won’t want to feel like you’re coming on too strong with him or trying to take over his life, so an important rule with a Taurus guy is to never double text. If you want to attract him, you need to learn to be patient.
In addition, you don’t want to look too into him because then he won’t feel the urge to chase you, so give him space and time he needs and he’ll always come back to you because he’s assured that you respect him and his busy life. You don’t want to look like you’re waiting around on him or pursuing him.
Everyone loves compliments, and Taurus men are not an exception to this. Compliments are one of the best ways to attract Taurus men because they will not only feel uplifted by the compliment and then start associating you with feeling happy, but they will most likely respond with a compliment, and then from there you can get more flirty with each other.
There are many ways you can complement someone, but a Taurus man will really appreciate being complimented on his practical skills or intelligence. Of course, you can compliment him on his physique or his looks too, but make sure you compliment him on his mind as this will really set you apart from everyone else, showing you admire him.
All men want to feel needed, but this is especially true with a Taurus man. You can make him feel like he’s really needed and wanted by asking him advice on anything you need help with, but he’ll be especially willing to help with practical things because he’s so naturally practical! So the next time you need to fix your car, have a problem with anything in your home or have a logical problem, send him a text message and ask for his help. He’ll not only be flattered that you have come to him for advice, but he’ll also find it attractive that you need his help (even if you could figure it out by yourself).
Although, as mentioned above, Taurus men aren’t well known for their quick responses with it comes to text messaging, they will most likely always reply due to the fact they’re loyal and feel the need to get back to people, especially those that they care about. You need to also show this loyalty, by making sure you never leave any of his text messages read. This doesn’t mean that you have to text him back straight away, in fact, your text message reply time should be similar to his to show that you’re not overly keen and needy, but you should never ever ignore him because he’ll lose trust in you.
A great way to attract Taurus guys is to show off your intelligence. Due to the fact that Taurus men are so practical and are usually quite intelligent, you can show him that you have a whole lot more than just good looks. If you know that there’s a particular subject the both of you share an interest in or one that he’s really intrigued by, research around the subject, and share your findings and facts with him. He’ll love the fact that you are an intelligent woman and he’ll be intrigued by the fact you seem to be meshing well with every side of his personality.
Loyalty and trust are the values that are most important to Taurus’s and therefore rather than telling him that he can trust you, you need to show him. A great way you can show him that he can trust you is by sharing personal details with him and opening up to him, allowing him to see a more vulnerable side of him. Remember that you still need to keep each text as lighthearted as possible, but you can add personal details and show more of yourself and your character to him, allowing him to trust you more and therefore making him feel like he can open up to you too.
A Taurus guy will love it if you are supportive of him, and it’ll deepen the bond that the two of you have. So keep in mind that every time you know he has a big event in his life coming up, he has a new idea or is doing something he finds daunting, sending him a few text messages of support will really make a difference to him. If a Taurus man knows that he has your support, he’ll feel unstoppable, and he’ll realize that some of that amazing feeling he has is down to you.
A Taurus man will run away from any unnecessary drama faster than any other sun sign will, so if you really want a relationship with this guy, do not cause drama. If you get to the stage in the relationship between the two of you where you need to bring up something that upsets you, do not start conflict over text.
The 10 tips above will help you understand how you can attract Taurus man best over text in detail, but overall you need to keep each text between you lighthearted and happy, give him space and be patient if he responds slowly. Show that you care about him whilst keeping it subtle.
To keep this kind of man interested, you will want to show him that you’re a happy, secure person that supports him and appreciates him. You can flirt with him from time to time to keep the relationship between you both intriguing and exciting, and as the relationship develops you can get more creative and act naughtier.
Please feel free to go and check out the article I have written ‘How To Know If A Taurus Man Likes You: 18 Signs’ for a very detailed answer. But overall, you’ll know if this type of man likes you if he’s protective over you, jealous of others around you, and goes out of his way to make you happy.
As mentioned above, you can go and check out the article ‘How To Know If A Taurus Man Likes You: 18 Signs’ for a more detailed answer to this question, but you will definitely be able to tell if this kind of man likes you as more than a friend because he will talk about a future with you, protect you, be physically affectionate with you and really open up to you.
One of the best ways to make a Taurus man miss you is by giving him space, but still making sure he thinks about you. Give him space but send him a simple text from time to time that will make him smile and he’ll be sure to miss you and want you.
Hopefully, this article helped you gain some precious insight on how to text a Taurus guy to make him want you. Remember, take it easy and let him feel like he’s the one in control of the relationship and pursuing you. Happy texting!
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