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Am I Just A Booty Call? (10 Clear Signs)

October 3, 2024

Men are incredibly confusing, and most of them aren’t great communicators, which therefore means that being involved with one (in any way) brings up an array of questions

The most common thing that women question when being involved with a guy is what the label between them is, leading to the age-old question, “what are we?”.

This is definitely the case in the situation where you’ve been sleeping with a guy quite frequently but don’t feel like things are really going anywhere. Are you friends, lovers or actually seeing each other? 

Nestled between these three options is the ‘booty call’ option. If you do want more from this guy, being his booty call is definitely not what you’ll want to be, so it’s essential that you know whether you are or not, so you can decide how to move forward.

In this article, we’re first going to take at what being a booty call really means, and then get into the 10 signs you will be able to notice if you are just a booty call to this guy. So, let’s jump straight in!

What Is A Booty Call?

what is a booty call?

A booty call is traditionally known as being quite literally a call (or text) made by someone to another with a sexual request. Typically, this communication is made at night. Therefore, if you’re the person that’s being summoned to the bedroom, you are the booty call.

However, you can actually be a booty call without being called or texted. You might actually be one without even realizing it because sex just happens spontaneously with someone over and over again. 

If you’re not sure whether you are a booty call or not, take a look at the 10 signs below and see if any of them resonate with the person you’re thinking of.

Are You Just A Booty Call?

1. You Always End Up Having Sex

One of the most obvious signs that you’ll know you’re just a booty call to this guy is if whenever you meet up, you always end up having sex. Can you remember a time when you didn’t have sex and actually watched a movie or went for a drink? If you can’t, it’s probably because there’s no romantic relationship budding. If you’re his booty call, every time you meet each other, you’ll get it on - this is the reason he meets you.

2. You Don’t Stay The Night

If you were heading somewhere romantic in the relationship you share, you would always stay the night after having sex, unless one of you had to leave for a valid reason. However, as a booty call, you won’t spend the night with this guy, because that requires too much intimacy for him - just thinking about cuddling and waking up next to each other will be a no for him.

3. No After Sex Cuddles

no after sex cuddles

Similar to the point above with regards to intimacy, if you are a booty call, this guy will not cuddle you. An after sex cuddle is an incredibly intimate act and it really bonds two people together, creating a deeper relationship, so this guy will definitely avoid this. Instead, he might jump up, scramble to put his clothes on, and walk out of the door.

4. When You Need Support, He Disappears

A sign that you’re in a booty call style relationship is if this guy completely disappears when you need his help or ask for support. 

This kind of man wants you for your body and the amazing sex you have together, and he definitely doesn’t want to be a shoulder for you to cry on, so he’ll ignore you. It can hurt to know that he doesn’t care about you and won’t support you, but unfortunately, that’s the truth.

5. You’ve Never Met His Friends Or Family

Someone that only sees you as a booty call won’t introduce you to their friends or family because quite simply, you are the person they get their thrills from, not the person they see a future with. If you were in a romantic relationship, even in the early stages, they would probably introduce you to their friends or family.

6. He Takes No Interest In Your Life

A guy that booty calls you is not going to take interest in your personal life, because all they really care about is whether you’re free or not, to have sex with them. They’ll never ask about your life, they’ll take no interest in finding out what your likes and dislikes are and they won’t want to hear you talk unless it’s about getting underneath them.

7. You Never Go Out In Public Together

you never go out in public together

Booty calls are notoriously relationships that are kept secret. Therefore, a sign you’re in one is if you are always meeting this guy in private. Do you ever grab dinner or even meet in a public place? The likelihood is that you’ll be sneaking around each other’s houses late at night.

8. He’s Never Free When You Want Him To Be

You’ll know if you’re in a booty call relationship if this guy constantly expects you to be free but never makes himself available for you. He might message you at 1 am asking you to come round and you’ll oblige, but when you want to hang with him on and shoot him a message, he’ll always be busy - unless you mention you want sex.

9. You Always Go To Him

If you’re a booty call for someone, you’ll always find yourself going to them and they will never, or very very rarely come to you. If this guy is in your local area, you might get a text saying he’s coming round, but apart from that, he’ll always text you and tell you to come round. Next time, ask him to come to you and see what he says - he’ll most likely be “too tired.”

10. You Think He’s Seeing Other People

Booty calls are not monogamous relationships, and therefore this guy could be seeing someone else. You might not know for sure if this guy is seeing other people, but if you get a sneaky suspicion that he is, he probably is. This is certainly a clear sign that he isn’t into you in a romantic way, and you’re most likely his back up option for sex.

To Conclude

Hopefully, this article has helped you to figure out whether you’re someone’s booty call or not. If you like the set up you have with this person, and you’re happy to know you’re a booty call, enjoy knowing the status of the relationship. However, if you are not happy to know that you’re a booty call and you like the guy that’s treating you like this, it’s probably best to stop seeing him. If you know you want love, drop him and go find it elsewhere! 

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