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5 Signs A Guy Wants You To Chase Him

January 1, 2025

Are you stuck in those frustrating ‘will we, won’t we’ stages of a relationship. 

Maybe you’ve been hanging out with a great guy, but he hasn’t asked you on an official ‘date’ yet.

Perhaps you’ve been dating, but he won’t ask you to be his girlfriend.

This hesitance can mean one of two things; he’s either not that into you or he’s hoping for you to chase him and make the first move. 

This guide will help you discover what path you’re on. It features the five most obvious signs that a guy wants you to chase him. 

However, before we begin, I have some exciting news for you. Read the following sentences carefully. 

A powerful new online tool has emerged that makes it so much easier for you to realize where you stand in a relationship.

This tool can connect with the personal devices of the men you’re interested in, and begin to create a database of information based on his recent communications.

You’ll see if he’s texting other women, using dating apps, making calls on a separate number and a LOT MORE. (Hopefully he’s not…)

I’ve seen women use this tool to successfully out cheaters, identify players or call out liars.  

Best of all, this tool is 100% discreet so there’s no way for anyone to find out this tool is tracking them.

In most cases, it will become abundantly clear just how into you this guy is. 

With that said, let’s take at some behavioral signs that he wants you to chase him.

How To Know If A Guy Wants You To Chase Him

Perhaps in the past, you are always the one that has been chased and you have never chased anyone however, sometimes a guy may want you to chase him. You usually don’t really have to try to get the person that you want and if it does take effort, you don’t bother. In the past, the guy always asked you out and made the first move. 

Many guys even like chasing and are often the ones to chase women rather than the other way around. Perhaps you have always thought that you would never chase someone because if he really wanted you he would do everything that he could to get you and then you will be sure about exactly how he feels for you too. 

But it is important to remember that some guys do in fact like to be chased even though it may not be that common. Some guys are just shy and lack the confidence to be able to chase the women that they like because they are too scared of being rejected or feeling embarrassed. Keep reading for the signs a guy wants you to chase him. 

Signs A Guy Wants You To Chase Him

Some guys just prefer it when women make the first move and show how they feel. However, it is important to know how to chase him too. Make sure that you don’t go over the top or scare him off by chasing him too much at the beginning. It is also important to remember that you aren’t too passive either so that he knows that you are interested. 

Keep reading for the signs a guy wants you to chase him…

1. He is hot and cold 

He is hot and cold

If you are looking for signs a guy wants you to chase him notice whether he runs hot and cold while you are dating him. If one day he appears interested but the next day he shows you no attention, it may mean that he wants you to chase him instead. Perhaps this has happened to you before and you have no idea why he did. 

Maybe you have met a nice guy and you have been texting for a while, sometimes he seems really interested but others he goes days without messaging or contacting you without telling or explaining why. Perhaps you have started to fall in love with him and the only option that you may have in this situation is to chase him. 

If he wants you to chase him he may be exhibiting these signs. He may be trying to let you know that he wants you to chase him by avoiding contacting you or showing much interest in you. He may even be playing mind games with you and playing hard to get. If he runs hot and cold and his interest changes every day, he may in fact want you to chase him.

2. He doesn’t act on his feelings

If a man is behaving like a kid and likes to play childish games instead of telling you that he likes you and showing you how he feels, he likely wants you to chase him. If this guy comes over to you, talks to you and gives you a few subtle but apparent signs that he likes you and perhaps even asks you to go on a date, but never acts on it, he probably wants you to chase him. 

Even if he gives you many signs that he likes you and is interested in you, he never actually acts on his feelings and asks you out properly, he just talks about how he feels. He likely doesn’t have the confidence or courage to ask you out or perhaps just doesn’t want to do the chasing, instead, he wants you to chase him. 

3. He is playing hard to get

He is playing hard to get

If he is playing mind games with you and playing hard to get it is likely a sign that he wants you to chase him. Playing hard to get is one of the most obvious signs that a guy is interested in you so if he is sending you contrasting signals and acting interested one day and not the next then he is probably interested and hoping that you will chase him instead of the other way around. 

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

Playing hard to get however is not always easy to deal with and it is not the best way to go about getting someone to like you. It is easy to lose interest in someone who is acting in this way especially if you don’t have the time for such games. If you start to lose interest in his games and show interest in other guys he may become jealous.

This is a further sign that he likes you if he gets jealous when you spend time with other guys even though he is playing hard to get. If you bring another guy into your life and the first guy seems to get jealous, this is a sure sign that he is hoping that you will begin to chase him in the hopes of a future relationship together. 

4. He shows you he likes you but then disappears

If he shows you that he likes you but as soon as he does then disappears, this is a sure sign that he wants you to chase him. These types of love situations can be difficult especially if you don’t want to chase him, it can be hard to know how to act. However, this is an obvious sign that he has feelings for you and is hoping that you will chase him. 

This situation can be so confusing, he has the courage to tell you how he feels about you in person but he didn’t ask you out and then disappears. Perhaps he is too shy or lacks the confidence and courage to ask you out directly or thinks that you don’t feel the same way about him. If you do really like him, it is likely on you to make the next move. 

Perhaps he just doesn’t want to do the chasing and rather than letting him chase you, it may be your turn to take your love life into your own hands and do the chasing for once. This is especially true if you are already head over heels for him if you want a relationship with this guy it may mean that you have to chase him, or else you risk losing him for good. 

5. He disappears, then returns

He might know for sure that you like him and want a relationship with him and may admit how he feels about you then disappear for a while. He knows how you feel and that you’ll chase him if he disappears for a while. But if he disappears and then comes back if it didn’t work then this is a further sign that he wants you to do the chasing. 

He may secretly be hoping that you will pick up on his hints about how he feels about you and that when he returns again you will start to chase him. However, sometimes the signs are too hard to realize and perhaps can be misread, thus he comes back and tries to play this game again. The second time around may be more obvious than the first. 

However, it is important to remember that he is playing with you and maybe leading you on so that you end up chasing him. So be aware of how he is acting so that you don’t get hurt. If he keeps disappearing and returning but starts playing with your mind, make sure you are strong enough to make it clear to him that you don’t desire to be messed with or hurt by him.


What does it mean when a guy wants you to chase him?

If a guy wants you to do the chasing, it may mean that he doesn’t have the confidence or courage to chase you, he wants to find out how strongly you feel about him or he just doesn’t want to do the chasing. Pay attention to the signs that he wants you to do the chasing and consider whether it is something that you really want to do or not. 

Should you let a man chase you?

It is up to you whether you let a guy chase you if you really want a relationship with this one but you don’t want to do the chasing then there is likely nothing wrong with letting him do the chasing. However, make sure that this guy is someone that will do nice things for you and treat you right. Don’t let him do it if it makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. 

What happens when you stop chasing a man?

If you stop chasing a man he may realize what he is missing and start chasing you or he may lose interest too. It completely depends on each individual situation whether a man will show more interest or not when you stop chasing him. However, it is important to remember that every relationship is balanced and that you are not the only one putting in all of the efforts. 

How do you know if a guy wants you badly?

If a guy is really interested in you and really likes you he will show you exactly how he feels. He will do nice things for you and do everything he can to make sure that you are happy. Guys won’t let women worry about how they feel if they really like them. If he is in love with you he will let you know and show you so that you never feel insecure with him. 

What to do when a guy wants you to chase him?

If a guy desires for you to do the chasing it is important to consider a few things. Think about how much you like this guy and whether he is worth chasing, make sure you don’t waste your time on a guy that is never going to put in any effort. Also, consider whether you feel comfortable chasing him or not and whether you feel confident enough in yourself to do it. 

To Sum Up…

Guys often do the chasing in relationships however, sometimes it can be the other way around and there is nothing wrong with this as long as you feel completely comfortable. If a man plays hard to get, runs hot or cold, or tells you how he feels but doesn’t act on it, it may be a sign that he desires for you to do the chasing instead.

Let us know what you thought in the comments and don’t forget to share this article. 

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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