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Truth Finder Review
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Until end of February 2025


Most accurate background checker of 2023
Largest database in the United States
Ability to scan dark web, social media, and court records
A little pricey (but worth it) Review: Is It A Scam Or Legit? (2023)

You don’t have to rely on Google alone to check on someone's background.

Read my review and see how this website can help.

I'll also go into whether Truthfinder is legit or whether it is a scam.

There are a number of other similar services on the World Wide Web, but what I found different is the approach Truth Finder has in searching for and delivering the results.

Before we get into it, however, let's have a quick look at a TruthFinder at a glance.

Now, if you’ve never thought of checking someone’s background, the concept may sound awkward. But in the end, there is no other way to ensure you’re not dating a maniac or someone who, for example, has had criminal convictions.

But there is also to say that although awesome, Truth Finder isn’t for everyone. Here are a few things to consider before creating an account.

Unlimited Reports $27.78/month (Offer Ends February 2025)


There are moments in everyone’s life when checking the background of a new friend, neighbor, or even a relative, is essential. There are dozens of sites to use for this purpose, but is one of the most reliable.

Yet, it comes with a major drawback - it is only available in one country. Born in 2015 in California, Truth Finder never expanded beyond its home country’s borders. It operates exclusively in the US and if you want to check the records of someone who just moved here or lives abroad, the search results won’t return bountiful information.

Although Truth Finder is a pretty accurate service, it’s not FCRA compliant. This means reports may have errors or not be up to date and for this reason, you won’t be able to use this service to run background checks on potential tenants or future employees.

The service is intended for private use only but it’s still a great service if you want to learn more about your friends, acquaintances, or even relatives.

Another negative side is that people may use Truth Finder for immoral or criminal actions. Revealing sensitive information about individuals, this site can easily be used as a tool by those trying to do harm. Truth Finder is certainly not recommended for you if you want to stalk your ex, for example.

You should also know that getting a report isn’t free. Truth Finder not only funds itself through subscription but it also uses your private data for security purposes. Yet, if you’re interested in only one report and don’t plan to use the platform in the future, getting your results will be costly.

What Is TRUTHFINDER.COM? Is It A Scam or Legit?


Truth Finder is a people search service available through the portal Launched in 2015, the platform gathers all public records about individuals and delivers them into a comprehensive report to those interested.

The idea behind the service is to help others find out as much as possible about the people around them; you can use the service to check your son’s background, for example, to check the history of your new date, or even to see what public records are held about yourself.

By using the service you could be surprised to find that not all data is accurate - but this doesn’t mean the platform has failed its purpose. There were cases when people found out, for example, that they are signaled as offenders or criminals despite conducting an exemplary life.

But why isn’t all data accurate and can you trust the service?

Well, as mentioned above, Truth Finder puts together a report consisting of data about you – or the one you’re searching – by checking and gathering the information available in your public records. The data is gathered from social media accounts but also from the records held by governmental institutions. If this data is inaccurate, your report will be inaccurate too. And this isn’t Truth Finder’s fault.

While inaccuracies can happen, Truth Finder delivers generally a high-quality and consistent service. Most users have been happy with the results and only a few felt the platform didn’t rise to the expectations.


  • Easy to use. Truth Finder is very easy to use. Just fill in the full name of the one you want to check and the state where they live. If you’re unsure about their residency, just leave this field blank. Hit the search button and you’ll get your report in minutes; however, remember you’ll have to pay to actually see it.
  • List Organized information. The reports returned by Truth Finder are lengthy but they are very well organized. A timeline design allows you to skip parts you’re not interested in or find out what happened when.
  • Excellent company reputation. Despite some negative reviews from users who weren’t happy with their results, Truth Finder has an excellent company reputation and is classed A+ by the BBB.


  • Like most "People Search" services, Truth Finder charges users who want to use the platform. However, the subscription plans are not flexible at all and the platform is not the most convenient if you only want to gather information about just one person.

Get 1 Month UNLIMITED TruthFinder Reports For $27.78/month (Offer Ends February 2025)


By now you've probably decided whether or not is the right people search service for you. However, if you’re still doubtful or just want to learn more about the site’s features, here are the main benefits you can enjoy.


Background reports are valuable for a bunch of reasons. To begin with, you can start by checking yourself, especially if you’re a law-binding citizen who has never wronged anyone. There are many examples of governmental mistakes that damaged honest individuals, so I recommend checking your own background at least once a year.

However, Truth Finder’s purpose is that of helping you check the reputation of other individuals. Most women use the service to find out more about their dates, and I strongly suggest you check whoever you’re dating before putting your faith in them.

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

This is particularly important if you’re dating someone you’ve met online. Dating platforms that actually check their members are a rarity. Even the mainstream sites like or Plenty of Fish state they don’t run criminal records before approving an account.

Since online dating comes with inherent risks (as mentioned in our article on online dating statistics), it’s just good practice to ask your date for a full name and conduct a background search before actually meeting in real life.

If you’ve just moved into a new house, you might also want to check out your neighbors, especially if you’re single. With almost 5% of the population being a recorded sex offenders, you can never stay too safe. A background check will also reveal any type of criminal history and ultimately will help you assess the true value of your home.

There are also other circumstances when using a people search service could prove useful. For instance, you can check with your friends to ensure your and your family’s security. Checking your child's friend’s parents could also be useful. Lastly, you can even check your own family members.


Joining and using is easy but expensive. The site has inflexible membership plans and you can purchase a subscription for either one or two months. The service is costlier than average but you get unlimited reports included in the price.

This means you can have a very long list of people you want to check and be able to do so by paying only one subscription fee.

Regarding the registration and subscription, know that you’ll agree to automatically renew your membership plan on its expiration date. You can choose to opt-out and cancel your subscription by contacting the friendly customer service either via email or phone.


A thing I truly enjoyed on Truth Finder is the complexity of their reports (which in my opinion is better than Been Verified). You won’t just get the info that’s anyway available on Google. The website returns a file packed and loaded with interesting information about the one you’ve checked.

Your screening report will include birth, marriage, and death certificates, changes of address, mobile and landline phone numbers, criminal record checks, and also public information gathered from social media accounts.

Thanks to the wealth of information included in each report, you can even use the service if you want to find a lost relative, for example.

All you have to know is the full name and will do the rest for you. Since the report also includes the individual’s current address, you can use it to drop by and pay a visit to an old friend or send a card to a lost relative you wanted to find.

Since all reports have an easy-to-follow timeline structure, it will also be easy to just scrap out important information without getting lost in the details.


Another nice feature I thoroughly enjoyed is the possibility to do reversed phone lookups. If someone keeps calling you from an unknown number or your significant other keeps getting texts from a number that seems suspicious, just use Truth Finder to identify the mystery caller.

Sometimes, reports include images or links to social media profiles so you can further investigate the matter.

Once you’ve found the identity of the caller, use the full name to conduct a traditional background check and learn about their past.

APP & COMMUNITY has initially offered its services in an exclusive desktop version but lately, the company also developed an app for Android and Apple devices. This app is free to download from the store of your device and is very easy to use.

The main benefit of the app is that you can use it to conduct a background check on someone you’ve just met. In other words, before getting in the car with that handsome guy that offered you drinks, excuse yourself for a few minutes and run a background check to make sure you’re safe.

FINAL THOUGHTS is one of the best people search services and I recommend using it before going on a date with someone you met online but also in many other circumstances. Like everything else, Truth Finder comes with pros and cons.

Some users claimed the service doesn’t return accurate and complete results. However, not everyone has a huge record of publicly available data. If the one you’ve searched for didn’t live in the US for too long or lives abroad altogether, your report won’t return much information.

Yet, this is understandable for a service that is only available in the US.

Regarding information accuracy, errors can always happen but Truth Finder may sometimes return inaccurate reports because the data available from private and public sources is inaccurate in the first place.

I have already told you about the lady who found she had several criminal records in her background check despite having always complied with the law.

Therefore, from an objective point of view, we can say does exactly what it’s supposed to do.

Apart from all user reviews, I tested the site myself on several occasions. I have even run background checks on myself to make sure all public records comply with my situation.

My tests showed Truth Finder is a trustworthy site that provides much more information than a free search service.

Now, is it worth paying for a subscription?

It depends. If you want to run only one background check, perhaps you can find a more convenient service. But if you’ve just started to date and want to check all your potential matches, perhaps subscribing is a great idea.

The only thing I didn’t really like is the fact that you can’t use the service for formal purposes, such as checking your tenants or a future employee.

Get 1 Month UNLIMITED TruthFinder Reports For $27.78/month (Offer Ends February 2025)

That said, could be your best bet when it comes to staying safe in today’s world. And since opting out of your monthly plan is easy, you can just give the site a chance and see how it can change your life for the better.

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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