Have you been told in the past or recently that you are needy? Have past relationships specifically ended because he said you were too needy? If so, keep on reading because I will try to give you some tips on how to stop being needy.
I have actually been told I am needy in the past and can honestly say that I wasn't aware of it until the guy I was dating at the time mentioned it. I didn't want to be that person and so I quickly got to work on stopping this unattractive trait.
I have listed two of the main steps to how I stopped being needy as well as further steps that fall under each of the two main steps.
Table of Contents
First thing that is important in a relationship is to find a balance where both of you have equal power and are both happy. Relationships that last are those that don't have anyone having to rely or depend on the other. There are a number of different ways on which you can find a better balance in your relationship which can be found below.
All relationships grow at their own pace and can be quite slow but still very much exciting. There is never any point in attempting to rush a relationship just because you feel caught up in the moment. All relationships feel amazing during the early stages which is why it is called the honeymoon phase.It is not until the honeymoon phase is over do you really find out whether the relationship can last.
Many women who are needy are women who idolize their men and view them through rose tinted glasses. It is almost as if he can’t do no wrong even when he is doing wrong. A way to stop being needy is to remove your rose tinted glasses and look at your man for what he is and look at how he truly behaves. You will never be able to stop being needy if you don’t realistically look at your man.
No successful relationship was built with one person taking and never giving. To find a good balance in the relationship, it is important that you practice giving a little this for that. By this I mean every time you do something, he should return it. For example, text him something nice and sit back and wait till he responds. If you are needy then you may find this hard as people who are needy tend to get anxious and can’t wait so will send another text and another until they respond.
Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your relationship is to spend some time away from your man. If you are needy then you tend to always want to do what your man is doing and spend every minute with him. For the sake of your relationship though, it is important to spend some time doing things that you enjoy too. This could be an hour a day at the gym or once a month going for dinner with the girls. Doing this will stop your man thinking that you depend on him to have fun and will free up the tension in the relationship.
When you feel your man is pulling away from you and is being distant, it can be all too easy to shower him with affection to try and win his affection back. To do what is best for you as well as him is to know when he isn’t interested anymore because no matter how much affection you show him, it won’t change his mind.
If your man has decided to walk away and move on then the worst thing you can do is to chase him and carry on showering him with affection. To stop being needy, it is important to learn how to respect his decisions and wishes as it doesn’t matter how much you show love for him and chase him, it will not change his mind.
One of the most important things to do to find a good balance in a relationship is to think about whether you’re truly happy and whether you are getting what you want out of it. If you’re needy then you may strive to please your man and make sure he is happy however what about your own happiness? Think about whether your man does in fact make you happy. After stripping everything away, if you find that you aren’t really getting anything from the relationship then it is either time to move on or to sit and talk with your man.
As well as finding a balance in the relationship, the other important thing that you need to do is start to work on building your confidence. Many women who are needy are low in confidence for plenty of different reasons. Whatever you feel has caused your confidence to be low, it is time to build it back up.
One of the reasons why women can be needy is because they feel that a man will make them happy. This couldn’t be any further from the truth. The only person in the world that can make you happy is yourself. You shouldn’t have to depend on a man for happiness and so it is time to start building your self-esteem by taking up new hobbies, going out with friends and doing things you enjoy. Being single can be daunting if you’re needy however it is the best way to break free of it and work on your self-esteem. Once you have built your self-esteem and confidence, it is ok to want a man but you should feel that you need a man.
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