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How To Get A Libra Man To Chase You (10 Simple Ways)

December 31, 2024

Are you hoping to attract the attention of a Libra man? 

Is it just you chasing him at the moment? 

Would you like to know how to make him chase you instead?

Well, you might be excited to learn that there are several things you can do to inspire his curiosity. 

Below, I have listed 10 ideas to get a Libra man to chase you. 

But first, I would like to tell you the story of how I learned to intensify my personal relationships with men. 

I used to jump from meaningless fling to meaningless fling in my younger years.

This wasn’t by choice. It’s just that the men I’d date would never be interested in anything serious. 

Thankfully, I was able to turn this around - and I would like to let you know how I did it. 

It all began when I began studying about a part of male psychology commonly known as ‘The Hero’s Instinct’.

This primal but little-known psychological trigger is responsible for the way men feel about the women around them.

If a woman can learn how to trigger this part of the male mind, he becomes putty in her hands. 

This is because ‘The Hero’s Instinct’ can release intense feelings of joy, power and purpose inside a man - addictive feelings that keep him wanting to come back again and again. 

I know how powerful this can be, because I learned how to play with this part of a man’s brain. Now, my relationships with men become deeper, more meaningful and more loving. The men I want can’t get enough of me.

To learn how to do this, you can read my personal account of how I discovered the power of the ‘Hero’s Instinct’.

If you’re only after Libra-specific tips, scroll down for 10 useful tips.

How Do You Get A Libra Man To Chase You?

1. Pay attention to him.

Pay attention to him

If you want to know how to get a libra man to chase you, then pay attention to him and listen to him carefully. Focus on him when he is around you and let him know how interested you are in him. This is really important when dating a Libra man, especially if you want to get him to chase you.

If you want a Libra man to chase you then you have to let him know that you are paying attention to him. If he is talking to you, make sure that you carefully listen to what he is saying. Make sure he is the center of your attention when you are with him. He needs to know that you are interested in him.

Once he knows that you are really interested in you and that he knows he can trust you, he is likely to chase you.

2. Communicate with him.

A man of this star sign desires good communication. He will appreciate it if you are able to talk to him and communicate what you are thinking effectively. If you have doubts or are worried about something he will be happy that you came and told him how you are feeling rather than keeping it locked inside.

If you want to get a Libra man to chase you, then you need to work on communication with him. If you want him to fall for you, you must make sure to discuss your feelings and emotions with him. A Libra man won’t pretend that everything is okay if it isn’t, he much prefers to talk things out with his partner.

A Libra male will also greatly appreciate deep conversations on many life topics as well as intellectual debates on philosophy, literature, and politics. If you want a Libra man to love you and to chase you, then make sure that you are communicating all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with him.

Not only will this good communication strengthen your future relationship with this libra male, but it will also get him to fall in love with you. One of the Libra man falling in love signs is when he tells you everything in turn and wants to have long and deep conversations with you that last into the night.

3. Be sociable.

Be sociable

A Libra man loves to socialize and go out with his friends. Libra men will never refuse a night out. They love being the center of attention wherever they are. A Libra man will probably not love to be alone, but would rather be surrounded by the people that he loves. If you want to make a Libra man to like you, then make sure you are willing to socialize too.

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Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

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This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

4. Don’t put pressure on him.

A Libra man can be indecisive and does not always know exactly what he wants in life. A Libra man can often fear that he is making a wrong decision, this may prevent him from making a decision at all. He will overthink things and look at all sides before making the final decision on anything.

A Libra man will likely over-analyze everything in his life. He will look at every aspect of a situation before deciding the best thing to do. He may even be indecisive about the next book that he wants to read, what he wants to eat or where he wants to go on a date. It may take some time for him to make decisions but don’t put pressure on him.

If you are trying to get a Libra man to like you, make sure you accept his indecisive nature and don’t put too much pressure on him to make decisions. Never force him to decide anything if he is not ready. If you put pressure on him you will only push your libra man away from you.

If you are trying to get a Libra man to like you, remember not to put any pressure on his decision making.

4. Don’t be argumentative.

Don’t be argumentative

If you are trying to attract a Libra man, make sure you are not too argumentative around him. A Libra man will naturally dislike conflict and arguments. If you are trying to get a Libra man to like you avoid loud arguments and aggressive behavior. Most men with this star sign despise any kind of argument.

A Libra man will be naturally peace-loving and against arguing with his partner. He likes peace and quiet and will do anything he can to avoid loud arguments. You should be aware that shouting, arguing and swearing a lot with him will likely turn him off you. A guy with this star sign will be against confrontation of any kind.

Shouting and swearing will have a hugely negative effect on a Libra man. A guy born with this air sign will naturally thrive under harmony, peace, and balance. He would rather talk things out calmly and quietly rather than having a huge, loud argument about it. He will try and talk to you to understand both sides rather than getting angry.

A Libra man will definitely be more attracted if he knows that you are calm and peaceful like he is. If you want to get a Libra man to like you, then you should avoid being argumentative, loud and aggressive in any way around him. Any angry behavior will turn your Libra man off immediately.

If you want to get a Libra man to chase you, then make sure you are calm and peaceful around him.

5. Show him your love of culture.

Show him your love of culture

If you are trying to get a Libra man to like you, show him your love of culture, arts, and literature. Don’t hide these passions from your Libra guy, but use it to make a Libra chase you. Libra guys love concerts, museums and art galleries, so invite him to one of these if you want to make a Libra man fall for you.

He will fall deeply for you if he knows that you like film, literature and the arts as much as he does. He will enjoy having someone in his life that he can discuss these things with. One of the signs a Libra man likes you is if he invites you to a museum or to go to watch a film with him.

6. Be open to adventures.

Be open to adventures

If you want a Libra man to fall for you then let him know that you are open to going on adventures with him. Libra guys will always be up for doing exciting and new things. Make sure that he knows that you are happy to do things outside of your comfort zone with him. He will like to go for walks in the forest or even sky diving.

If you want a Libra man to fall for you, then take him on outdoor dates in nature, go for walks on the beach or a mountain hike.

7. Seduce him. 

People with a Libra star sign like to be seduced. If you want a Libra man to fall for you try and seduce his romantic side. Be compassionate with him, show your vulnerable side and open up to him. A Libra man will want to be able to deeply connect to the person that he is seeing.

8. Show him that you are interested in him.

Show him that you are interested in him

If you want a Libra man to chase you, make sure that he knows how much you like him. Don’t play games with these people, as they will only lose interest if you are holding too much back from him. Show him that you really like him, this will make him fall even deeper for you. Be yourself, don’t try and act like someone else.

If you show him your true self he will see that you are the perfect person for him and he will want to spend all of his time with you above all other people. He will likely spend more time with you, call you more and text you more. A Libra guy will want to date someone who is genuine and open. If he sees that you are this type of person, he will fall deeply for you.

However, make sure that you don’t take all the control in the relationship. Tell him that you like him and that you would like to spend more time with him. You will likely find that he will call and text you more, and want to spend more time with you.

If you want a Libra man to fall for you, then make sure to show how interested you are in him.

9. Show him that you are unique.

If you want a Libra man to fall for you, then show him how unique you are. Libra men often fall for women who are unique to other people. If you have unique interests and passions that other people may not be interested in, then tell him. He will like you, even more, when he knows how different you are to other people.

You may be interested in unique and different topics, sports or hobbies. If you tell him this he will be even more intrigued by you and will likely chase you for this reason. If you like to dress differently to other people he will be really interested in that and find it refreshing. 

If you want a Libra man to like you and chase you, then tell him about your unique and different interests. Be yourself around him and show him who you really are. Don’t hide your true self around him, give your opinions on topics and don’t pretend to be someone else.

If he knows that you are confident enough around him to be completely yourself, he will likely fall for you even more. Show him your unusual qualities, tell him what is different about you. Share your thoughts and opinions on various topics and don’t be afraid to tell him what you really think, he will appreciate you even more for this.

He will appreciate you even more for your uniqueness. If you are interested in reading unique, obscure books or you study a unique subject then tell him all about him. A Libra guy will love a woman that is different from everyone else.

10. Ask him questions.

Ask him questions

If you want a Libra man to like you and to chase you, show him how interested you are in him. Ask him questions about his life and pay attention to what he tells you. He will like to know that you are interested in him and his opinions on life and different topics.

The more you talk to him and ask questions about his life, his family and his friends. He will appreciate that you really care about him and what he loves. He will likely want to spend more time with you so that you can talk even more. This is one of the easiest ways to get a Libra guy to fall for you and chase you.

Talk to him about important intellectual and engaging topics such as politics, philosophy, and religion. Ask him about his interests and opinions on all different topics. He will also like to know that you are interested in these things too. He will like to know your intellectual side and will probably fall for you even more.

In Short...

If you want a Libra guy to fall for you and to chase you, tell him that you are interested in him and show him you care. Ask him questions about his life and have deep conversations with you and he will likely start to chase you.

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