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How Long Does Infatuation Last? (The Truth)

Are you floating through that wonderful opening phase of a relationship? 

Does it feel like you’re walking on air? Can you not stop thinking about this guy?

This is infatuation in its purest form. 

When you’re in this phase, it’s completely natural to wonder how long it’s going to last, and that’s what we’re going to explore in this guide. 

But first, let me tell you the story of how I learned to make infatuation last FOREVER. 

It all started when I learned about the part of the male mind that controls these feelings.  

This primal psychological trigger is called ‘The Hero’s Instinct’. 

This trigger releases such powerful emotions into a man’s mind, it becomes almost impossible for him to resist whoever makes him feel this way. 

When I first saw how powerful this trigger was, I had to learn more about how to activate it. 

Now, I have learned how to activate it at my own will. This has helped my relationships with men maintain that initial spark ENDLESSLY. (read my personal blog post to learn how it works). 

The crazy thing is: so few people seem to be aware of ‘The Hero’s Instinct’ at this point. 

If you are looking for a deeper more meaningful relationship with the man in your life, I would highly recommend learning how this aspect of male psychology works

With that said, let’s take a closer look at what infatuation is and how long it typically lasts.

What Is Infatuation?

What Is Infatuation?

Like passion, infatuation is nature’s greatest high. It involves the extreme attraction of a person towards an object or your partner. It is a short-lived attraction that is meant to last for a while and then fade. The time taken for you to infatuate with your partner is unknown. We can’t tell if the feeling would end in days, months, or years but it’s certain it will end! 

Why do we really get so immersed in this feeling when it’s truly going to come to an end? To answer this let’s take a look at the cause and importance of it in a relationship.

Cause Of Infatuation: Chemical Reaction

The primary cause of this passionate emotion has to do with the chemicals in your body. A detailed explanation of this process is given below. 

You might feel high and euphoric about someone when you are infatuated with that person. In your brain, there is a center called the dopamine center that is often rewarded when you think or see your loved one. It’s often flooded with dopamine when these people are remembered or seen anywhere. This feeling is so nice but it’s short-lived. 

Importance Of Infatuation

Infatuation is very essential as it serves as a means of bonding two souls together. Like I’ve said before, it's the first phase of a relationship. Lovers can see nothing but the best of themselves at this stage. Just like the expression “love is blind”, both parties don’t see anything wrong in their doings; instead, everything is as perfect as nothing else. Despite how intense this feeling is, it's superficial

The infatuation phase is the time for individuals who want to get into other stages of the relationship to create a strong bond that keeps them together. As they enter the other phases of a relationship, their love deepens and gets matured as time goes on.

But if infatuation is actually the first stage of love, then what does love mean?

Love Vs Infatuation

Love Vs Infatuation

Is there a difference between these two words that deals with a person’s feelings? In a new relationship, you and your partner might battle with this topic. You people really can’t tell if your feelings are short-lived or long-lived. 

The primary difference between these two words that deals with the feelings of a person is that the former is for a long period while the later is for a short period.

Infatuation is a feeling that lacks maturity and depth required to face the challenges in life, but love has this attribute in it. With love, partners can cross over the rough roads of life because it’s the real bond. A look at the definition of these two words makes us understand that living “happily ever after” quote is never a fairy tale for love but it is for infatuation

During infatuation, a mere look at your partner makes your heartbeat race like a hare, your legs weak like those of a tetrapod and your face flushed as if you’ve just taken an overdose of niacin. But when you are truly in love, a mere look makes you feel a warm glow coupled with an energy-filled soul. 

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Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

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The feelings listed above can be one-sided (not intimate) for infatuation but for love, it's a mutual thing

Being Infatuated: What Does It Feel Like?

Being Infatuated: What Does It Feel Like?

Infatuation often leads to selfishness. When you observe that the way you feel towards a person is not mutual, you become selfish.  This is when you are being obsessed with a person. Infatuation and lust are similar as they are both short-lived and don't lead to love most times

If you’ve ever had an intense feeling coupled with a physical attraction towards somebody, but your mind, body, and soul are not connected to this person we can say you are infatuated. Reason being that the strength of the emotion is only intense but not real

Honeymoon Stage And Infatuation Stage

Could there be a relationship between these two? Well, yes these two stages are related but they occur at different phases in relationships. While the infatuation phase is the first stage in a relationship, the honeymoon phase sets in after marriage.  

There is no doubt every relationship starts with passionate emotion, this can be seen even after marriage (honeymoon period), but what could be the reason for this feeling? For me, the reason for this is the chemical reaction that occurs in the body, and maybe the feel of excitement in you.


Can infatuation last 3 years?

This phase of love does not have a specific expiry date. It differs for each person and also depends on who you are infatuated with. But the estimated time before this would end according to Dorothy Tenov, a psychologist, is between 18 months to three years. If this feeling exceeds this period, it means you are deeply insecure.

Does infatuation turn into love?

The answer to this question isn’t specific. It can be a yes or no depending on how you can handle it. Infatuation is like a chemical reaction that can either be feasible or infeasible. For example, if you can’t stop thinking about the girl at the restaurant, it’s probably an attraction which might end or lead to a relationship.

What does infatuation feel like?

It’s an intense feeling towards something or someone who has a limited time. This feeling is usually characterized by intense physical attraction and undeniable passion.

What happens when infatuation ends?

Just like romance, infatuation also ends. When this phase is passed, partners who are being infatuated towards each other will begin to know themselves well. If they are able to understand each other, their relationship can grow into love and if not, everything stops there.

Can infatuation last 4 years?

Well, like I’ve said before, no one can give a specific time for which this first stage of a relationship will end. If we are to go with psychologist Dorothy Tenov’s answer, then we should expect it to end after three years. 

In Conclusion

Nature provides the initial spark in all relationships but for one to determine the time infatuation would take before coming to an end, you need to be real and observant about your partner’s behavior. Nothing else would give us a specific answer. Let me know what you think!

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Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

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This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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