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How To Make A Scorpio Man Obsessed With You (11 Easy Ways)

April 6, 2024

Are you falling for a Scorpio man? 

Are you wondering what you can do to make him feel the same way?

Perhaps you’re searching for that secret sauce that makes him OBSESS over you more than any other woman? 

If so, this is the guide for you. It reveals seven traits that Scorpio men truly appreciate in a lover.

However, before I reveal these, it’s important that you read the next few sentences carefully. 

Throughout my teens and early twenties, I desperately struggled to keep the attention of great men. 

I could attract them just fine but was only ever seen as a casual partner. A ‘bit of fun’ until someone better came along. 

It felt like I’d never enjoy a deep relationship with a man who truly loved me.

Thankfully, I managed to turn this situation around - and it all began when I discovered a powerful aspect of male psychology called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’. 

This psychological tick appears to be held by most men. When it’s activated, it releases tremendous feelings of pride, stature, and self-worth. Naturally, he becomes drawn to women who can make him feel this way. 

Once I learned how to activate a man’s ‘Hero’s Instinct’, my romantic relationships became far more deep, passionate, and fulfilling (you can learn more by reading my personal story).  

This is a remarkably consistent strategy. Yet, so few people seem to even be aware of it. 

If you’re looking to make a lasting impression on a man, I recommend you read up on how I discovered the power of the ‘Hero’s Instinct’

The guide below is packed with extra tips for winning over a Scorpio.

How To Make A Scorpio Man Obsessed With You

Scorpio men are known for being one of the more intense zodiac signs. When they pursue you, you’ll always know. However, as quickly as the intensity begins, it can seemingly fade. That's why it is so important to keep a Scorpio man obsessed with you. 

Making a Scorpio man infatuated with you is easy when you know these tips and tricks to get your Scorpio man addicted. There are certain things that Scorpio men tend to do that you’ll notice as you talk to him. Make sure that you start using these tactics as soon as you pique his interest to keep him interested in you. 

1. Play hard to get

It doesn’t matter how interested a Scorpio man is, the second that he has you he can start to lose interest. These men love the chase. Deep down, a Scorpio man wants to earn your affection. The more caring, intelligent, and honest you are, the more he will see it as a huge challenge. 

If you throw yourself at him, he’ll walk right past you without giving you a second thought. This is all that it takes to make him lose interest in a mere day. If you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you, this is one of the most important things to remember. They always love a little challenge, even when the two of you are already in a relationship. Check out this article for more tips on playing hard to get!

Once you are in a relationship with a Scorpio man, continue to be a bit too busy for him on occasion to keep the game going. He’ll love it! 

2. Don’t be fake

Another key thing to remember while you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you is that Scorpio guys typically don’t want a relationship with women that they deem as being fake. 

That isn’t referring to your outward appearance. They don’t mind fake nails or a spray tan. There are some things that are much more important than physical attraction. However, they want a woman that doesn’t play games with their emotions. Scorpio men appreciate a woman that is raw and in touch with herself. 

3. Be sensual

Scorpio males are known for quite a few things, and one of them is being a passionate lover. They want a woman that can match their passion in the bedroom, so you want to let them know that you can do that. 

To make a Scorpio man obsess over you, you want to be sensual. That doesn’t mean wearing sexy clothing or makeup. Instead, it’s all about tapping into your inner sensuality. Or, you can simply think about what you want to do in the bedroom every time he’s around. This will make you radiate sexual energy. 

4. Confidence is important

confidence is important

This guy doesn’t want anyone else's approval. He lives life by his own rules. Likewise, he doesn’t want to have to give you approval every day. Instead, a Scorpio male wants a woman that is confident in their own skin. 

Use this tool to check whether he actually is who he says he is
Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

Perhaps you want to know if he's texting other women behind your back? Or whether he has active Tinder or dating profile? Or worse yet, whether he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool will do just that and pull up any hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more to hopefully help put your doubts to rest.

To make a Scorpio fall in love, make sure that you have healthy self-esteem and walk with your head held high. On days that you don’t feel confident, fake it until you make it. 

5. Show that you have depth

While a Scorpio guy will love a pretty face, they often want more than that. They are not one to fall in love with just anyone, as is the case for most water signs. Scorpio men want to learn about your emotions, your passions, and your hobbies. They want someone they can talk to about various things. It’s important to discuss more than superficial things with a Scorpio man. 

6. Show off your intelligence

They say that smart women have a hard time finding a partner, but it’s only because intelligent women have yet to captivate this zodiac sign with their alluring energy. In general, water signs tend to appreciate anyone that is highly intelligent. If you want to make a Scorpio obsess over you, let him know that you’re intelligent. 

As the two of you get to know each other, tell him about your studies or what university you attended. Let him know that you love to read books, or what topics you enjoy learning. A Scorpio loves to see the intellectual side of a woman because they enjoy having deep, philosophical conversations about their interests. 

7. Compliment him

It can be difficult to play hard to get without losing a Scorpio man’s attention. You have to perform the perfect balancing act. An easy way to do this is to compliment him. 

Give him cute compliments. Simply mention that you like his outfit or his hair. Make sure that you take the time to compliment anything new, such as a new haircut or new outfit. You won’t appear desperate, but it lets him know that you like him. If you keep doing this, he’ll slowly become completely infatuated with you. 

8. Have your own personality

have your own personality

Sometimes, we tend to like the same things as the person that we are interested in. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s not going to help Scorpios fall in love. In fact, it can be a huge turnoff. 

Instead, make sure that you express your own interests. Show off your wild side to watch a Scorpio man fall in love with you. Talk about things that you like, even if he has expressed that he doesn’t care for them. Tell him about your interests, and be confident in yourself as you do so. Don’t be afraid of judgment. Make sure that you’re not fake when you do. Scorpios are known for having incredible intuition. 

These eight tips are important if you want to be in a relationship with a Scorpio man, but keep reading to learn more about what Scorpio men love in a woman. 

9. Let him be dominant

If you try to move too fast or dominate the talking stage, it can quickly scare him away. As soon as that happens, you have zero chance of being in a relationship with this guy. 

Scorpio men tend to have dominant personalities. They don’t like being told what to do or feeling pressured to do anything. These zodiac signs were born leaders, and they expect you to follow. Make sure that you don’t try to talk to them too much or even text them too much. Instead, give him plenty of space. 

10. Don’t playfully tease him

Scorpio men love a relationship with a woman that is nice and sweet. While this water sign is known for its emotional intensity, it can be extremely sensitive. This is particularly true when it comes to harsh criticism. 

Instead, make sure that you only say nice things about him when you spend time together. They look for a gentle soul in a potential lover as much as they do a person that is passionate. 

11. Be mysterious

Scorpio man loves women that have a little mystery. These men love to start with small talk on a first date and then slowly try to solve the mystery. The more mysterious you are, the quicker he will develop a deep desire to get to know you. That’s why it’s important to keep some things secret. 

To do this, don’t tell him everything about you. Instead of saying what you did in detail, just tell him that you have quite a few hobbies that keep you busy. Giving him the occasional vague answer is guaranteed to make him want to get to know you on a deep level. Make sure that you don’t lie to him. Instead, simply keep him guessing. 


How do you tell if a Scorpio man is obsessed with you?

If a Scorpio man is completely obsessed with you, he will chase you. He might mention that he appreciates a high sexual drive to see your reaction and to determine if you would make a good partner. He’ll go out of his way to talk to you. Scorpios are also known for staring at a girl they like. 

What are Scorpios obsessed with?

Scorpios appreciate a beautiful woman, but there are quite a few things they like more than you being attractive. To see a Scorpio man love you, practice honesty. Scorpio men also enjoy intelligent women that have depth. They also love affection. 

How do you make a Scorpio man miss you?

Get a Scorpio man to miss you by not being available all of the time. These guys tend to fall in love easily, so it won’t take him long to start thinking about you. However, it will take him longer to show up and let you know that he misses you. 

Where do you touch a Scorpio man to turn him on?

The one secret spot that you need to know is his neck. Rubbing, licking, kissing, or biting on his neck will instantly drive a Scorpio man insane. His ear is another sweet spot that you should remember if you want to turn on a Scorpio man. 

What is a Scorpio's weakness?

Scorpio’s weakness is that they tend to have an inherent need to control people. It makes them more likely to enjoy power play in the bedroom and be manipulative in relationships. They are also jealous, clingy and seldom want to share their partner with others. 

In Conclusion

A Scorpio man is truly one of a kind. Aside from avoiding lying, what else can you do to make this zodiac sign fall in love?

Utilize this tool to verify if he's truly who he claims to be
Whether you're married or just started dating someone, infidelity rates have risen by over 40% in the past 20 years, so your concerns are justified.

Do you want to find out if he's texting other women behind your back? Or if he has an active Tinder or dating profile? Or even worse, if he has a criminal record or is cheating on you?

This tool can help by uncovering hidden social media and dating profiles, photos, criminal records, and much more, potentially putting your doubts to rest.


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